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About Chrissy_1984

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 01/01/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rugby, Warwickshire
  • Interests
    Airguns, Shotguns, Ferrets, Fishing anything Outdoors!<br /><br />Also im mad keen on Motorbikes, Love going to British Superbike Meets and the MotoGP whenever its here.<br /><br />Bit of a sucker for good Comedy Films and like a good Scary Movie once in a while
  1. I haven't started workin mine yet. I dont think they are ermm... mentally stable enough yet lol!! ooh and i got my bag of dry delivered this morning, speedy service too. Gonna see how they get on with it atb Chris
  2. Nice one, cheers for that! Just ordered me a bag, was paying £6 from pets at home for a 3kg bag.
  3. If its kept in the pocket then yeah old bill probly will have a problem with it. But if its safely secured in a fastened bag/rucksack while in a public place then it should be ok. Much like hunting knives, as long as you have a good reason or 'lawful authority' all's well! It's a crackin idea, and looks more than cpable of doin the job, fair play to ya!! atb, Chris
  4. Took it out on Tues for first (propper) time! Set it up in a field of wheat stubble, as soon as we bagged a couple, well out of the way of the main pattern and WOW!!! Me n ma shootin partner have never had a days shooting like it. Honestly, it was pissin down with rain propper miserable day, but we've had so much of it l8ly we just had to get out and thought sod it! Bloody glad we did i can tell ya. It works a treat, ive never seen birds comin in so confidently. Before i bought the magnet, the few t imes we been shooting over standard shell decoys, we would be lucky to bag half a dozen bu
  5. I just bought one from the sportsman gun center. £79.99 for twin arm, battery, speed control and about 40 yards of cable, BARGAIN!! It's a bit bulkier than i would have liked but you cant have it all for that price. I phoned up SGC at around 11am on the thursday morning and it had arrived by 7.30am next morning, excelllent service. Cheers, Chris
  6. I pluck majority of breast feathers too. First thing my poley does tho is crunch n chew on the head. Obviously a bit of grey matter is quite a delicacy for her :sick: lol
  7. Cool! Cheers for the reply folks. Looks like i had better go n stock up on cartridges then
  8. Hi all! Has anybody had any problems with feeding their ferts whatever they shoot? All the rape round this way has bin cut recently, the woodies are rife on the stubble and my phones going bonkers lol. Next down is the Barley so time to dust off the decoys and cammo. Now most of what i shoot goes in to the most amazing Pigeon Pate but im hoping there will be lots left over If i give the left over birds to my ferrets would the shot content affect them? I've given them the occaisional pigeon whole and after watchin them scratch n scrape the feathers out they seem more than willing to st
  9. Try soaking it in hot water to soften the biscuits, obviously drain and allow to cool before feeding. I do that for mine when i run out of fresh kills and they wolf it down! I think it must be the smell, it really is pretty rancid lol probly why they love it so much! ATB, Chris
  10. looks sandy to me... but a little dark.. like a light coloured poley or dark sandy lol lorelei used to be indecisive, but now she's not sure! hehehe
  11. Yup severe weather warnings lol Summers over people!! Why did it ever start? Yerr we've had 3 days of searing heat and sunshine chap! Sods law tho, i'm at work... Shotty's are locked in safe all while the combines are out in full force!! Grrrrrreat missed out again!!!
  12. Yup severe weather warnings lol Summers over people!!
  13. Most i have ever had is 1, earlier this year, well before i got my babies! Three of us, one workin ferrets while me and mate were wielding shotguns! I was on one side of hedge and my mate was on t'other, about 2 minutes after entering the first Jill out popped the coney, no more than 15yds from where i was standing. A snap shot with the top barrel at full choke with a 32g HB Pigeon shell provided me with a nice bag of, errrrr..........minced Rabbit Nothing else showed for the rest of the day, other than a couple of pigeon in the wrong place at the wrong time Needless to say i hope to h
  14. Hi all, Just thought i'd post an update. As your probably aware i picked my trio of kits up last sunday and after some thorough handling and general playtime they have now stopped nipping completely, favouring a good old lick much to my relief! I was begining to look like a self harmer at the start of the week, with all the scratches and bite marks up my arms lol. They are all doin really well and are turning out to be some right little characters. Sandy, the lighter jill is a belter. She's learnt her name quickly and is always first to show when called. Baillie, the darker sable/pol
  15. certainly cant wait biffa! First port of call is my clay club, there a couple of small burries either end of the skeet range and under the clubhouse (bit undecided of latter as would prove impossible to dig em out if need be) so hopefully that'll give em a taste of things to come, bloomin conies are decimating dave's plants n boy does he want rid. I deffo had the best three. 13 kits in total n the rest were all pretty much all white! I gotta say tho the hob is my fave, stunning colour and so placcid already, the two gals r nippy lil buggers! Just outta curiosity food wise, im givin em
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