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Everything posted by maxwell

  1. Ive got a few 4z stop net but when working hedges they are a nightmare as pick every little thorn or twig up, spend more time picking crap out of them and untangling them, but when theres no crap about they are great to use
  2. Is it the 25% or 100% strength that you water down 50-50 just bought a bottle of 99.9%
  3. Can anyone tell me the best way to apply benzole benzolene and for how long to leave it on the dog
  4. Were there many milky does among tnem and did you have to do much digging
  5. Any one in the north east wanting any oak shavings ive got a sack full you can have
  6. I feed my ferrets racing pigeons on a regular basis have done for quite a few years now never had any problems
  7. Its because of the mild winters the rabbits are breeding earlier and later resulting in more litters
  8. Why dont you get one of the t series of torches with ir pill in either single mode or 3 mode
  9. The transmitter that fastens onto the collar is smaller
  10. Just wondering as ive got a standard mk1 myself, with evo silencer
  11. FTM is your mk1 standard or have you had any mods carried out
  12. Was it one of your micro jills, did you breed of her last year
  13. Are they solid bars or tubing and what size is the box section
  14. The One put a 4in board along the length of the cage inside the mesh doors to stop the shavings falling out especially when you open the doors
  15. Tool station mini round mouth with wooden shaft a fiver, like it better than my plastic shaft mini round mouth
  16. Alans your man hes got more gear than j s ramsbottom
  17. All the easipetcare vets seem to be down south
  18. Borrow one of your mate alan hes just bought two must have something you can use
  19. Ive done both had a vasectomised hob who I lost last year, and let gills come out of season naturally , in my opinion the vasectomised hob is the way to go, I would hate to think I lost one of my jills to an infection because I did not bring her out of season.
  20. Whats the cost of vasectomy at different vets in different areas mine is £83 county durham
  21. You should of done your homework before you got the ferret
  22. Is there any other suppliers for the switch, just in case the lad on ebay runs out as he seems to be the only one selling the switches
  23. When you said preston i was going to suggest steve foster, You wont go far wrong there mate hes got some of the best in the country and a lot of people owe there success to his birds you should have loads of fun this coming young bird season
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