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Everything posted by maxwell

  1. Get yourself on a forum called pigeon chat, theres also some good facebook pages
  2. Cant understand this bloke sent him message about kits,five days ago, he read it straight away but no reply
  3. It was her first mating shes getting on now only mated her to get a kit for myself as she is a brilliant worker. Dont normally breed kits, but ive got two jills that are great workers and thought id take a kit from the oldest. It will not be long before these two jills are retired.
  4. Just had exactly the same problem with my jill, the kit was about three inches long and dead when it came out and she was really struggling with it, she must of been in labour for a while because she came out of her nest box with the kit about an inch out, and she was pushing hard but nothing was happening, i had to give her a helping hand in the end, there was only the one and the jill is ok, really wanted a kit of this jill as shes been a cracking worker, but ill see what happens next year.
  5. Some idiot on one the facebook ferretting forums selling angorra x eu kits £ each and she says shes not breeding for money
  6. Pity you were not nearer, as I will be looking for some one to erect and supply scaffolding in hartlepool
  7. I ended up getting a bag of gain 28 from wheatley hill pet store, thanks for the replies
  8. Ive got two transmitters and when some one has replaced the collar they have broken the casing on the piece the collar goes through
  9. Does anyone know of any liquid plastic that can be used to repair the transmitter casing on MK1 collar transmitter, when replacing the leather collar
  10. Does any one know of anywhere close to hartlepool that sells gain greyhound food
  11. Do any of you feed an energy boost to your dogs during a hard days work, if so what do you feed
  12. Why metal, will you be getting it galvanised
  13. Is that the lad whos lined his 6 jills with a micro hob, I sure hes wanting £30 a kit
  14. maxwell


    Ive got a job need doing, looking for a couple of decent brickies and joiners county durham area
  15. Like I said if your stuck, im only at blackhall
  16. maxwell


    When your building a cavity wall do you clean the crap out of the cavity below damp course before you start fitting the full fill insulation batts
  17. Did you get your net sorted Ash, if you are stuck give me a shout
  18. A few year back there was a lad from Murton County Durham had his head just about blown off by a farmer who was waving a shot gun in his face one night when he was out lamping, they couldn't even identify him he was in that much of a mess. The farmer wormed his way out of it, he only got twelve month.
  19. Hope fully these heavy frosts should put them back a bit
  20. Cut yourself some hazel until some fibreglass ones turn up, I cut some off cuts of oak flooring down to make mine
  21. Ive got one of the above and for the price you cant go wrong
  22. Well its the old saying a fool and his money are easily parted and hancock is laughing all the way to the bank,
  23. Don't understand why people would even think about going to handcock for a pup, when there are genuine lads out there who could help you out, and as far as a legend in certain circles goes hes never been and never will be, at the end of the day hes just a puppy farmer in it for the money and not the welfare of the dogs
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