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Everything posted by maxwell

  1. If you dont have access to a lathe what DIY work can you do to a springer to improve on its performance with out buying parts in, for example what parts can you make yourself. Not interested in increasing the power but making the gun run smoother, quieter and consistent.
  2. Theres nothing worst than tea that looks like milky water especially when its full of sugar, I like my tea really dark with just a tiny drop of milk so its just starting to change colour, a proper cup of tea.
  3. Like i said the only difference between an 8ft and 15ft box is the sticker on the wheel, you can use an 8ft box with a 15ft collar you just double the readings on the wheel and its near enough
  4. Some one was in at mine the other week took my old gill she will be about 8 year old and been an excellent worker id have given them one or all of the younger ferrets as long as they would of left her.
  5. Theres no magic involved changing a mk1 8ft finder to a 15ft or vice versa all he did was change the sticker on the wheel , the boxes are the same 8ft or 15ft its the collars that make the difference
  6. I remember when they came out, what did the 35e have that the standard 35 didnt
  7. Just wondered what they taste like
  8. Im after some noraclav or clavamox if anyone has any for sale
  9. Can anyone recommend a good supplier for surgical sutures and surgical staplers
  10. What do people prefer 2mm or 3mm thick for the drawcord on there purse nets
  11. i no a lad who has a jill 13 year old and not one bit of fur on its body,
  12. Im looking at making a couple of double ferret boxes, whats the ideal size and what thickness of ply do people reccomend, id be gratefull for any other ideas also
  13. Cant get rid of fleas been bathing with flea shampoo and using frontline spot on but struggling to get rid of them
  14. Using spot on flea treatment but doesnt seem to be working, what are other people using
  15. Looking for albino jill kit in the north east
  16. Looking for an albino jill kit in the north east
  17. How many of you have a stove with a boiler, or do you just let the heat from the stove heat the full house
  18. I swear by LAMLAC if i had a litter of pups but dont know if it would be ok for ferrets
  19. What log/multi fuel burner do people recommend
  20. Thanks I wasnt going to inject it, was going to try using it like spot on
  21. Does anyone use ivermectin on their dogs
  22. What up keep they are micros cant eat all that much and if they are all good workers should be feeding themselves, plus hes got adverts on trying to cadge pigeons and rabbits of people to feed them for free.
  23. Theres a lad on one of the facebook ferretting forums from sunderland wanting a stud fee for his micro hob , £20 for normal ferrets and £40 for micros, talk about taking the piss
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