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Everything posted by yoggerman

  1. yoggerman


    every which way but loose...... and the even better sequel....... any which way you can black widows leader cholla is my favourite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU6eTVZUWJg&feature=related
  2. baked breast o mutton....... with the top all crispy
  3. dont tell people your hiding in bush's from the men in white vans.................. lol something for the weekend sir ????...........
  4. he said hes not to fussed about selling the gun but would do a swap against an american cowboys saddle.. like i said if anyone is interested post a pic of the saddle.... and then il pm ya his number
  5. hi this is for a mate of mine .. he has a mint condition theoben rapid 7 with two mags a fleece lined bag and very good hawk sights if interested p.m and post a pic of the saddle..
  6. anyone on ere know simon .. i think his last name was palmer.. he used to live at larch road headley nr bordon hampshire... he was a quite a good mate of mine and would like to get back in touch with him........ if anyone knows him or his whereabouts i would be vey gratefull....... you can pm me for my tel number to pass on i hope someone can help
  7. i prefer a staffs to be long legged and around the 19 - 22 shoulder mark kc show stuff is 14 - 16 but these little shitters are the ones that make the money if ya staffs are the proper big athletic type .. the real-mcoy it would be laughed at by the kc brigade
  8. il take that as a compliment......... cheers fella
  9. they sound a bargain mate... should do someone a turn
  10. hi mate hdi is 2 litre... and 1.9 isnt a hdi engine check ya logbook if it dont say hdi then it aint a hdi..... a partner has two diesel engins the 1.9 and 2.0 hdi
  11. ive not bin on ere for a while...... but ive had the same avatar for ages......... anyone hate it
  12. quote I am now officially an old mad dog lady! even more of a nutter that you grassed up this ad to the ad authorities............ build a bridge and get over it
  13. change all filters and use a bottle of injector cleaner with a scores worth of derv and drive her hard.. could possibly be a cat if theres one fitted.. replace cat. or strait pipe it.. have a look at ya pump some are adjustable.. also check theres no splits in ya turbo hose black smokes ok its when its bluey white your buggered ie rings and pistons// deffo check the turbo hoses someone said headgasket.. but i dont see how as your not overheating // the quickest check for this is look at your oil ..if the oil on the dipstick is milky ie water and oil mix then youve got head issues..
  14. sounds good...... but i wouldnt cut them 4 inches long and i dont think you need fish stock just boil em in water with a few herbs not to many and use that water to set the eels with a little gelatine , but ive bin told you dont neede the gelatin as the eel water will set naturally....cut them more like one inch.... and dont put in the tail ends, just the rounds and the horse-shoes... ive never mede jellied eels but eat them nearly every week of me life..... jellied eels i rate barneys the best then micks at a very close second...... i wont waste me time on bradleys no more especialy there
  15. hi mate i had 4x4 hard-top auto diesel for about a year and couldnt fault it drove better than a car and mine was the 8 seater mpv not the camper type it was used everyday as our main family car..... a bit juicy but not as bad as a trooper or shogun mine was simialar to this
  16. a smooth coated bitch was found in a field with a broken leg...... FOUND WITH NO OWNER possibly ran away and had an accident possibly dumped for not being a good worker possibly dumped cos it had a broken leg and owner couldnt afford vets possibly left by a p***y-c**t cos it was a shitter possibly ran away from a local chinky who tried to kill it for his house special possibly left by a scotch-c**t cos he was high on heroin and tennant's super possibly possibly possibly BUT WE'L NEVER KNOW FOR SURE............... WILL WE :big_boss:
  17. upload the pic to documents in your pc... then open the pic with paint........ block out your face with whatever colour brush spray you like and then click the red x to close the window and click save edited image when the save box pops up... i did my number plate yesterday to post on ere
  18. that was the one i was hopin to get................ always a classic lol
  19. someone i know had the matt green, and rubbed her down and masked and sprayed in his workshop for a 100.. and then i put on the black matt by aerasoel can while she was still masked up.. you have to do all four cour corners black to break up the outline. and then big patches elsewhere.. heres a susuki that he did
  20. well here she is all camo'd up like an army landy........ i like it so thats good enough for me
  21. what is the mileage... and got any pics.. both sides of the car
  22. that russel brand has realy let himself go lately
  23. sorry to say mate, they aint got a patch on the previous engine the 3.1... the later 3.0 engines have a lot of issues, especialy starting. ive had mates who had them out new and tow them every morning to get them started........ give it a google mate and see for yourself
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