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Everything posted by yoggerman

  1. just got a jap import one,, forester 2litre turbo s/tb spec, 250 bph,, this thing shift's some serious ass.. its the same as the sti imprezza just a different shell
  2. try some more info age, reg, swb or lwb,, colour........ and a pic or 2 if possible
  3. i had one a few years ago ,when i was mad on offroading and green-laning,, it had a cheap set of remould mud-terain's and both bumpers removed for better angles,,,, this thing could go anywhere ,they are extremely capable off-road,, not done any shooting from one but cant see a prob with it... check em out on youtube
  4. im a traveler meself but never eaten a hotchi but my dad has eate and killed thousands of em he's 73 and grew up on em ,,,, to be quite truthfull with ya cooking them in clay is the biggest load of bullshit ever said it was proberly told as a joke to someone and its spread from there........ first of all when you get yer hedgehog you tap him on the nose to kill him with the back of ya dagger.. then you hold him by by back legs and stand on his front feet and pull him tight working with a sharp knife shave the bristles downwards to his nose,, when youve got off al the bristles you can with the
  5. well said fish,, we had a simmilar prob on the ..jacksshed, forum... a while back,,, why is it that in this modern age of politicly correctness it is still socialy acceptable to openly discriminate agianst gypsy's...... here's one for all of ya to think about.... who was born in a stable with horse's, travelled the land's cos he was victimised everywhere he went, and then slaughtered for his belief's........ jesus christ that's who ,, a true gypsy
  6. it doesnt matter what recipe you use as long as you like it,,,,, the best advice i can give is to soak the cleaned rabbit whole or portioned , over-night in a bowl of salt-water this will draw out the blood and any over-strong flavour's,,, give it a try youl be supprised
  7. im a traveler meself but never eaten a hotchi but my dad has eate and killed thousands of em he's 73 and grew up on em ,,,, to be quite truthfull with ya cooking them in clay is the biggest load of bullshit ever said it was proberly told as a joke to someone and its spread from there........ first of all when you get yer hedgehog you tap him on the nose to kill him with the back of ya dagger.. then you hold him by by back legs and stand on his front feet and pull him tight working with a sharp knife shave the bristles downwards to his nose,, when youve got off al the bristles you can with the
  8. ive got a great tip for giving the logun lamp a power boost of light and distance throw ,,,, first very carefully remove the standard bulb,,,,, now here comes the fiddly bit insert a small candle and light it,, LOL LOL them things is crap no wonder your tryin 2 flog it lol
  9. NEITHER but thats just my choice i would go with a hw90,, theyre heavy but built to last these things are bomb proof i hab mine shortened and fitted a webleypro silencer which fits with spanners like a olive fiiting they never come loose not like those allen key jobbys,,, if you dont want the weight a lightning xl is a cracking little quality gun ,,,sorry for going of track but the 95 is basicly a lightweight version of the if thats any help to you
  10. if youve got a few cut out the breast-meat leaving the skin on and fry in a pan with only a little, oil skin side down first to brown and crisp it then turn over, they dont take long about 10 minutes max depending how you like em cooked ,,once cooked they taste better than fillet steak, serve with whatever you like ,,, i just usualy do a plate of em and a bit of tommy-k
  11. hi ya mate ive killed litterly thousands of longy's <longtail's = rats> but mainly at night use accupels and a spotlight with a red filter ,, bait em if you like but if they aint bin shot before theres proberly no need dont use the spotlight without the red filter fitted,, white light spooks em to much plus they dont see the red light aswell ,, if you use accupels they act as as tracers lighting up,, so if you miss you can see where you missed up or low or whatever,, remember they have poor eyesightbut good other senses and they like sticking to the outsides of fences and such and dont l
  12. none of the above get a aa12 google it and youl see.....AA12.......
  13. hello mate, on the bottom of the can were the wood-chips are do you need to make holes or do you leave the bottom intact,,,,, also does the lid have to be airtight,,,,,
  14. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-xIjAh-gak"></param><embed'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-xIjAh-gak"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-xIjAh-gak" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
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