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About Germhound

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 30/05/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Dunedin, south Island, New Zealand
  • Interests
    ferreting, hunting with my dogs, fishing,<br /> didgeridoo

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  1. This has just made me very happy! We have been considering a move for some time now and I got the sulks a bit as I was told that there is no ferreting in NZ ... I know there's loads of other hunting etc.to be done, but I do love my ferreting... How's it work over there? I know with native species, ferrets are a potential threat, are you licensed in some way or can you just crack on like over here? Snifferboy , from what I can gather you have to have a permit from the Ministry of Primary Industries and the Department of Conservation to keep a ferret and a reason to keep one( pest contr
  2. Trigger2 & Shaaark ,the terrain I work them over is very variable. From flat paddocks with short grass to long grass, thick scrub thin scrub , rocky shit , woodlands, hills and the likes . The 3/4 x's cope pretty well with the terrain, to be honest they just get on with it where ever we go, I don't pick my grounds to work them as such, except when lamping then usually we go to the paddocks, not always though. We always seem to have hard ground though , baked in the summer and frozen in the winter, we get the extremes of both temp ranges where I live, rarely do we get nice soft pasture t
  3. That was just a small pocket of them there are a few hundred running about , be a few more with this yrs young They seem to be excepted by most from what I can gather , no one seems to bothered about them where I work and hunt .
  4. A few more pics of the team Dweezil Probably Zappas last rabbit , he's retired now The full team Dweezil again, 31 inches and about 84lbs and a bit toothless The team a few months back, although the white shepherd on the right is getting phased out. The team at the office The other office
  5. Nope they are not pets, wild as. As I said not the best bit of action, probably none to sporting either but you don't know till you try and well aware that vid is bound to bring criticism but it's a different world down here, The turkey's usually get bombed up and culled by someone with a shotty or used for target practice with a rifle and left to rot. Taste pretty good so the dogs and I had a meal out of it , no waste. happy days !
  6. A bit of turkey coursing lol, not the best bit of action. We have a few spots with turkey's about usually the dogs are not allowed to bother them . This day was different I thought I'd give it a go . Becca has had a few geese , a black swan so I thought I'd put turkey on the list. They took a bit of encouraging to have a go probably confused as the usually leave turkey's be. http://vid89.photobucket.com/albums/k204/germhound/Turkey%20run.mp4
  7. Max I have straws of Zappa stored at the moment, managed to get enough out of him for just insemination's. I had him castrated whilst I was working away for 15 months thought it may help with my partner looking after him. My thoughts at the moment are to put Zappa to his daughter , Becca, the bitch in the pictures. The biggest problem I have here in NZ is that no one wants lurchers especially GSD x 's , so which ever way I go any litter I breed will have to be culled , which is something I don't look forward to . The last litter of 3/4 x's were hell to home , I only wanted a bitch, but ended u
  8. Cheers .I was working the shit stuff the day before , near a penguin tourist attraction , had to pick my warrens to work, even if the dogs marked I chose to move on a few times, the landowner would not have been happy with a loose ferret , a lot of gorse and scrub on sand dunes and large deep warrens . Will give this place a better looking at with the ferrets in the winter when there at not so many young rabbits about. Until then I'll just shoot them . The guys I was with may have some pics I can post . A lot of young penguins get killed by feral/wild ferrets ... Germhound - I don't k
  9. Cheers .I was working the shit stuff the day before , near a penguin tourist attraction , had to pick my warrens to work, even if the dogs marked I chose to move on a few times, the landowner would not have been happy with a loose ferret , a lot of gorse and scrub on sand dunes and large deep warrens . Will give this place a better looking at with the ferrets in the winter when there at not so many young rabbits about. Until then I'll just shoot them . The guys I was with may have some pics I can post . A lot of young penguins get killed by feral/wild ferrets ... yeh lets have a look a
  10. Cheers .I was working the shit stuff the day before , near a penguin tourist attraction , had to pick my warrens to work, even if the dogs marked I chose to move on a few times, the landowner would not have been happy with a loose ferret , a lot of gorse and scrub on sand dunes and large deep warrens . Will give this place a better looking at with the ferrets in the winter when there at not so many young rabbits about. Until then I'll just shoot them . The guys I was with may have some pics I can post . A lot of young penguins get killed by feral/wild ferrets ...
  11. Glad to hear Buck is doing well, will have a gander at the pics :-)
  12. Just had a few days summertime ferreting (pest control in nz)with my white shepherd bitch and my 3/4 grey 1/4 white shepherd bitch All the rabbits are to be killed whatever their size , the dogs are allowed to grab them in the nets as the small ones just shoot thru and those small ones that close the net don't stay in them for long.
  13. I know of Heart of Wales keep in touch with him through facebook now and then , he was still working his shepherd x . I wondered how I would fair in comparing Zappa to my old dogs Musket and Rooney , but although in my head I compare,it's more of just for knowledge if thats a way of putting it. I still took zappa for the dog he is and got on with it , no regrets, infact he was probably better off as I half new what to expect with the cross. I have a young white shepherd that caught her 1st rabbit when she was about 14 month old , in the day . Fluke maybe, but she is a fast dog for her
  14. Any ever tried a 3/4 gsd i/4 greyhound ?
  15. Jigsaw , there's plenty of oppurtunity, lots of conservation ground that you can hunt just get a permit , deer, goats, chamois, thar , wallaby, hares rabbits , possum, hedgehogs , ferrets , stoats ,cats rats mice all there for the taking , just depends on how far your willing to travel , where you live and the usual things in life that get you places. Just have to get off your ass and get out there . this site is for places for all to hunt , have a gander, just have to check on the poison drops. http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/hunting/where-to-hunt/ Then there's all the private
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