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Everything posted by Dabhand

  1. is it snow out there or is it the ash off the burning chariots well done Ireland up yours Eddie.
  2. i remember having to march in silence like little lambs i wonder if things would have been different if we voiced our opinion rather than being like mice was only in my teens and remember thinking how are they going to take notice if we are walking in silence
  3. how do you know the second dog found the same apponent bud could have been more than one fox in there and the second dog found a fox with out such a temper and willing to sit there and not bothered about driving dogs out? the best dogs don't often make mistakes its to be expected when they are young and learning butt when they are adults and it happens often id be worried just my opinion
  4. ive had a few fanny lickers but never a cock muncher edited to add if its a russel just be glad its going to dog foxes lol
  5. hes too tight lol what collars do you use with the alpha?
  6. ye i got the alpha but a mate i go with has the astro i was thinking of changing to the astro just so we know where each other is if needs be when out and we can track each others dogs
  7. how do you find the alpha compared to the astro moorman
  8. im looking for charging clip for a T5 if anyone has a spare ?
  9. there was a guy on here selling a lot of garmin gear the other day but i cant find the link he had boxes and collars of all sorts
  10. pity the Carmarthenshire hounds been a joke for so many seasons now they have some great country there
  11. hes the spit of my mates dog almost a Bedlington look to them
  12. rh are two of those pups going to Sunderland?
  13. if you cant find better bred pups you certainly wont find better lookers
  14. if i had a pup i wouldn't be looking for something that's 1.5 deep isn't there any pissers up there? easy to enter easily spoilt
  15. 100 meters of para cord in camo £7 from eBay cut to length and melt the end with a lighter, you,ll have laces that outlast your boots and enough left over to string a tarp up and make an overnight shelter, never leave home without itgold idea bud
  16. Must have the wrong dog then I thought you used a black and white dog from near neath the dog that has the collie blood from Penderyn in his veins my mistake
  17. My mistake I know he goes back to the old collie blood that used to be around the beacons
  18. Looks like you fell asleep and the kids had the crayons out
  19. My mate the blacksmith had one real clever dog if you kicked him up the arse he would make a bolt for the door
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