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Everything posted by 00taz11

  1. we usually take them to a yard and burn them
  2. he should ov been hanged the murdering b@st@rd that he is
  3. I'm Taylor not del LOL I look nothing like him he looks like chris moyles wrong del tits u wanting a smack b@wb@g
  4. I'm Taylor not del LOL I look nothing like him he looks like chris moyles
  5. I it was a cracking show met a couple of folk that I knew and I also met john hubery in the flesh cracking guy I never stayed for the red arrows but auld salmon kept me upto date after I left might go next year
  6. Great show only thing that pi$$we me off was the mud and rain
  7. im sure this has been done do a search
  8. its supposed to brighten up for tomorrow ill take my wellies just incase
  9. 00taz11


    john hubery top bloke will be seeing him tomorrow
  10. 00taz11


    the b@st@rds should be hung that is a disgrace surely somebody knows something
  11. same thing happened to me deleted my photos and replaced them with his luckily i recongised the guns spoke :aggressive: the next day hes on here
  12. unlucky, how you been aint spoke in ages taz ******************************************************************************** ******** been to hot for shooting in my opinion, so i set all 20 of my snares and i get around 7-8 a day and sell them 50p each to the locals who like them been fishing and dog walking aswell Cheers all Trevor aye no bad mate ureself av been living the life
  13. im doing nc gamekeeping at st boswells college
  14. aye should be a gd day probably be there on sunday
  15. well today me and hunting mad jock lad took the dogs a gd walk
  16. aye canny wait so wat u daen on your holidays
  17. lucky you i have too work at my local slaughterhouse to earn money for my college
  18. you get them on the rod why cant you get them at the halfin
  19. thats where i went donk really good site never took the dos that time but i wish i did it was freezin
  20. cheers lads is it better by check or cash
  21. looks like a nice set-up mate atb with it
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