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Everything posted by 00taz11

  1. well i decided to have a days ferreting at the estate im working at the now as ive not done any ferreting since march so i arrived around 8:30 decided to do the big set first ran the longnet around and put a few pursenets down put the ferrets in waited no show off the ferrets or any rabbits so i got the locater out could not get a reading at first i thought it was the locater then i suddenly got a reading i waited about half an hour for the ferrets to come up they finally did so i boxed them pulled up the longnet and purse nets and moved on to the small sets on a little hill at the bottom fir
  2. 00taz11

    Duck shooting

    you will start crying like you did the other week when out lamping lol dont listen to the shit blairboy tells you
  3. morgan try jardin hall at johnstone bridge or ry over langholm way there is plenty shoots there
  4. 00taz11

    Duck shooting

    wheres my invite del
  5. and you waited until now too post this av just turned 16 last friday
  6. nice shooting there lindsay nice too see jake getting them is there many geese about its bad crack with the tyres did you report it to the plod
  7. do you reckon they will give you something for the mk1
  8. wear steel toe cap boots and if they come near ya give them a boot in the mush
  9. i prefer the mk1 rather than messin about with buttons on the mk3
  10. that gun of yours makes a big hole what caliber is it?
  11. 00taz11

    Call Box

    cause it would be great to have and a very useful peice of kit
  12. really sorry to hear that mate but thats the way of life R.I.P sophie
  13. my kennel is 10ft by 6 ft and its got my two in its perfect size for them
  14. take them into the house and warn the people close to you that have dogs outside
  15. it must be something to do with the name
  16. are you at the borders college mate
  17. I was suuppose to be going there but I went for Borders i'm doing mc gamekeeping
  18. Jewel at themmate once you've learned you will never forget it I've made a fair few I'll be making more when o get to the college
  19. i dont know why you call me that cause your no better than me your the long lost twin of chris moyles
  20. 00taz11

    DVDS and books

    d hudson book is really good i used to be at the same shoot as him top bloke
  21. its only fools and horses open all hours porrige
  22. what you on about salmon have you caught out halfin
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