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Everything posted by 00taz11

  1. well i was beating again shot 98 for 100 bird day two drives wrecked due to goshawks clients werent happy heres a few pics
  2. that will be the fox/widgeon call av got the same works a treat
  3. watch out for the pheasants on the benty straight we lost 7 today cause of b@st@rds flying along the road
  4. nice one salmon the youngun looks happy
  5. its pish gd weather for a bit of lamping though

  6. its with the college its a work placement as i spend three week at college then three week at placement
  7. i went beating yesterday at an estate i am working at it was a great day until the rain came at dinner time. the guns were pleased the total bag which was 246 i think heres some pics
  8. they look nice but im after a lurcher with the game e.g. hare fox deer rabbit on it
  9. does anybody know where i can get i tie with a running dog on it cheers taz
  10. put some duck decoys down
  11. its about time you got out and done summit
  12. thats gd advice since hes just got him give the dog a chance
  13. nice one what part of the solway were you on
  14. a webley tempest is quite gd for that sort of thing
  15. you will no be getting on this one you can go on my others like norrie ritchies and billy mcglasins
  16. i seen that australian guy use them when ferreting
  17. cheers mate might be going back next weekend and do the topside of the face
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