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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. I have never sold a pup in my life,most went to people I knew in the game.The few that I gave to people new to the game to get them started,I told them what I tell everybody if they don't suit they come back here.Two were sold for beer money,one was washed when he got him home and put out in a cold shed in winter,he died.One I took out of a fellows kennel because he was starving,one lad told me he did not make the grade he put him in a cage with a fox at five months.Mabye if I charged 300 they might think more of them.Edited to add I don't do it anymore.
  2. Sounds like one of those dogs that only comes along once in a lifetime. Did she produce anything as good as herself? unfortunately an opportunity wasted in time,i never bred her to any other bull type dog.we had 3 litters from her all to the same terrier.If I had sense and the hindsight to realise we could have created a few decent bull terriers from her I should have gone down that road,all that mattered at the time was digging dogs. A real shame that sounds like she could of been useful in improving the EBT, sounds a real handy bitch. I assume the pups off the terrier mating were pretty sp
  3. Sorry meant Dundrum in Tipp,and yes that is true,but it was no operation it was a needle.
  4. Sounds like one of those dogs that only comes along once in a lifetime. Did she produce anything as good as herself? unfortunately an opportunity wasted in time,i never bred her to any other bull type dog.we had 3 litters from her all to the same terrier.If I had sense and the hindsight to realise we could have created a few decent bull terriers from her I should have gone down that road,all that mattered at the time was digging dogs. A real shame that sounds like she could of been useful in improving the EBT, sounds a real handy bitch. I assume the pups off the terrier mating were pretty sp
  5. She is not an old bat,she is an Irish woman who reared a family and at her age seen hard times in this Country.
  6. then the hate mail covered in some pervs spunk who lets on to be an animal rights activist to balance his nonce lifestyle will arrive within the weekLol len i dont know what there going to do, but if it was me id slip me lurcher on it an argue my case in courts, :-) an see them unwashed feckers, yellow c**ts Sorry i thought it was across the water, my bad, doh lol This is the chatter on the local FB page.Most are saying foxes don't attack people,I told them they do,I told them if they know where it is I will dig it(Got no reply yet)some other dude reckons once you show fear they will bi
  7. No they are going out to shoot it,the local fountains of Knowledge reckon she must have got to near the cubs???????,more reckon it probably has rabies,IM NOT JOKING.Tough on the poor woman herself
  8. This happened near me,just heard they are going out to GET IT Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Fourteen guests reading this,I hope they take note and tell their great unwashed friends.
  10. Just read this in a paper called Kildare Now.Not very good at putting up links,mabye some of the better Nerds could oblige.
  11. Check that hole for grey hairs at the entrance before you start rooting.
  12. The wee man in the boat has plenty of room anyway.
  13. Anything I ever sent to your neck of the woods never came back Shane.Sent two down to Baldy about three months ago he will bring them on with no frills LOL.
  14. No JP in him FD but he has that look.My old bitch had two pups(I thought she was past it like me)one pup made the grade the other did not.He had six digs four were planned,the other two there was a surprise waiting for him but he handled it well for a young dog and refused to be pushed around.We have two more youngsters to start next year bred slightly different,I like bringing on young stuff.
  15. WELL , you learn something new every day. I didn't know Mr Hinks was Irish ! So, the ENGLISH bull terrier is an IRISH dream, what can I say lads, . Funny enough, the reason that's usually given for the Munster area of Ireland producing the famous white strongdogs that eventually gave us Psycho etc. is that they were decedents from the white bull terriers left behind by the British troops when they left the Irish republic in the early 1920's. So we get the shit end of the stick from the Brits again the white bull.
  16. That's why most guys who have been at this game a long time stay in the wings now and say nothing,its not worth the hassle.This was a top class offer 11 year old dog at stud for 50 bucks,not many of them dogs available anymore and people slate the owner.If the dectractors have better lets see them.
  17. 50 bucks is nothing for a stud fee,the man is not trying to screw anybody.Always look for the old dog not the up and coming dog who as of yet proved nothing.
  18. What would the smart answer people want,a stud dog a year or two old or a dog of eleven.If he kept the dog for eleven years that means he has proved himself,and is not a one hit wonder.I don't know the man either.
  19. Merry Christmas Craig to you and your family.
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