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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. If it was not for the IWTF idiots as you call them,you would not be digging foxs or cubs at all,and when the Guards were called you would be going to prison.So bye their hard work these f***ing c**ts(your words)saved you going to jail.
  2. Im surprised and sad at the old diggers getting knocked,especially by some older lads on here.I started digging in 1967 with hairy arse Country men some were my own family.These old timers were no fools they knew how to find in big places with no technology and were top class digging men and knew good dogs from shite,no sentiment shite did not come home.Some clowns back then worked more than one dog to ground just like some do now,but the serious dog men worked one dog.I have heard all the so called Legends names,never met any of them nor do I wish to.The real Legends were the hairy arse Count
  3. Ah liam ,you forgot to put on his rosette He is wearing it around his face !!!
  4. That FURROW?? behind you looks familiar Liam LOL
  5. Two more from long ago.All dogs are related.
  6. Both were top class dogs,the B and T had a bonus if anybody except me or my digging partner went to lift him from his work he bit them LOL.He nailed a few people down the years,otherwise very good with kids.do you interbreed them all or do try stick with types They are kept tight.
  7. Both were top class dogs,the B and T had a bonus if anybody except me or my digging partner went to lift him from his work he bit them LOL.He nailed a few people down the years,otherwise very good with kids.
  8. 12 years old,did not have her out for a while,felt sorry for her last week when she saw us heading off,brought her and dug a fox with her but had to carry her back to the car.Misses says she is not going anymore LOL
  9. No we bred them ourselves Neil,they are all closely related.
  10. Holy Water for the dogs last blessing if he jacks.
  11. I wasn't going to comment on this Neil but me two mate's was out today for a shot as it was the last day of the season for them and they bummed into a chap in ardee who knew you, they got chatting about dogs and yourself and he said this doubling dogs up is a regular thing with you and the brown dog yea keep aren't up til much ,,,only saying chum This is the reason a lot of people don't comment on this site anymore.
  12. Yeah its no 7 Neil we were very advanced with our technology in Roscrea then.I had a Grandfather done that kind of shooting as well,and another Grandfather that shot Germans in the Somme and Ypes,I was more of a Lover myself!!!
  13. My Father is the man with the sights on the gun,the make of gun was a Savage,it fed a big family through hard times.
  14. My Father and friend rabbiting for the dinner.
  15. My Grandfathers badger dogs,back in the day.
  16. Your best bet is see does any of the ratting boys on this site live near you and get them over to show you the ropes.Most terriers take to ratting pretty easy,so it should be easy to get one.
  17. f**k it Neil,you must be THE MAN,I gave him them brown dogs and still the b*****d dropped your name.
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