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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. was wondering how ye got on.Glad u got him back
  2. try and get a dog who wont stay for long.Somebody must have one.Put on a B F and let him in get your mark. That will tell u his posision.Then get a crew together Their are plenty ov good experienced rescue men in wales.Listen to them. I think cango hammers might be the answer and good luck
  3. Ive said my piece about what the dogs have done im not going to be arguing here with people for the next six months.This is just to clear up their breeding.Their not park dogs we bred them from our own line I put up the picture ov their mother earlier a black and tan bitch they were hand reared on a bottle because she killed the rest ov the litter,We got that line from a great terrier man from County Laois who i wont mention here without his permission. That was 30 years ago he can trace their pedigree back another 20 years. yes the two dogs were in earth dog running dog a few months ago.the
  4. ive bred brother to sister got 2 pups the bitch is as ugly as f**k but their working well at eleven months .Will post picture soon
  5. ur from roscrea and u have black bitch 11 months old from that line which u got for nothing from us. as for been a quere ask ur sister.I found out she was a little bit undershot
  6. next time i get a call out must tell the farmer sorry we only dig for six months to give them a chance to breed.No sport here sheep country . no quarter asked for and none given . And we wont even talk about T B
  7. who said anything about six month season .Never heard ov it. I must tell that to the farmers.
  8. dont know was it the fox pissed or the woman ov the house
  9. no parks we have the line for 30 years. and we kept it dead game or put them down the old picture ov black and tan was the old dogs mother .
  10. For the doubting thomasas.Their was no typo.90 hard digs each dog all in the diaryies. thats not counting ordinary digs .which are a piece ov piss anyway.why would we try and tell bullshit to people who dont even know us.the heads on them dogs did not get that way shaving .as for the 1 and 2 days what is so extradionary about 1 and 2 day digs. what are these doubting thomases breeding 2 hour wonder dogs .weve shot any amount ov them. just thought i would clear that up
  11. To ov our old dogs brother and sister . Roughly 90 hard digs each per year .Sometimes took a day or two to get them. never came out. Lost the bitch 3 weeks ago in a cave in .Her brother is going around the yard lost without her . they were 8 years old
  12. took them pics about 10 years ago got a phone call from a woman . her son went to play under the couch and got a fright from the way they were screaming i think they thought it was an elephant . we dont know how he got in. we were laughing so much we let him live to fight another day
  13. good photos he is the boy who sorts out the good dogs from the yappers
  14. cheers for the info lads they are indeed a fine piece ov kit by the way fine headed dog rabbit hunter
  16. and the more drink they get their dogs turn in to lions
  17. my digging buddy had 5 working beds about 12 years ago with the kind ov digging we were doing they did not last very long but they were fearless
  18. never met a hunt terrier man in ireland with a dog could kill a fox all yappers gave one a pup once sent it back at year old,to fond of killing foxes.look down their noses at rif raf like us commeners
  19. take your time let him rag or in at the end plenty of time for him next year we all made that mistake at some time or other
  20. use one myself great bit ov gear have to be very carefull screwing back on the casing a bit delicate i heard they wont work in plastic pipes does anybody know anything about this
  21. are u mad dont cut the dog he will be no good if u cant handle him give him to somebody who can keeping working terriers is not always easy get a poodle
  22. yes they will foxes will even share earths with badgers as i found out many years ago
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