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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. Any service history come with it? I am not one for dropping names BUT I was told for a fact that it once belonged to Dr Brian Plummer.
  2. Mine cost me 350 sterling,with the special bend on it.
  3. Apart from the propaganda aspect of the show,who would let a dog near them miserable skeletons?They can keep there urban foxes I want nothing to do with them.
  4. One or two of us on there giving it shit post your comments if you are on Facebook.Oh Yeah Im not gay. I bet you's get blocked from posting by them Funny enough they dont like me already.Nor my boyfriend.
  5. One or two of us on there giving it shit post your comments if you are on Facebook.Oh Yeah Im not gay.
  6. I was proud of my girl having her pups, IT IS A DOG
  7. You put up pictures of your dogs and you ask people what they think,that means you have to be able for criticism without sulking.I was the one that said about the highest bidder,you insinuated you might have people to take them,that is called throwing out a feeler to see is anybody interested in buying.When i made my criticism it had nothing to do with the fact they were never to ground,it was because they are puny terriers with no bone and no strength in head what so ever(in my opinion)PS even ratting dogs get plenty of scars as well and constant ratting is a hard game for terriers.Those dogs
  8. The thread was taking down because of your graphic description,and the way you described yes it is illegal.But I know you did not do it so you broke no law.Confessing to things never happened NOT CLEVER.
  9. You would if you were trying to flog them to the highest bidder.
  10. I did not want to be the first to say it.No offence to the owner,but you put them up for opinions(and save a fiver by not donating)I think they look shite give them there best to kill a mouse.THIS IS NOT EBAY. There i said it.
  11. Your a fine one to talk,kettle calling the pot black. what? Do you not understand English?You preaching to this man after some of the shit you put up on here,Do you not remember the Wheaten Thread?,you shooting of your mouth about things you done,which by the way were highly illegal.THE KETTLE CALLING THE POT BLACK. Now do you get it?
  12. Are you the boss or is the Westie,if one of my dogs looked funny at me he would not do it again.grow a pair of balls,taken lip from a f*****g Westie.
  13. Are you taking the man up on his offer to go on a dig,or are you just another talk the talk man? Did you ring Hack for his offer of a dig he is waiting?
  14. Are you taking the man up on his offer to go on a dig,or are you just another talk the talk man?
  15. you always get one here,s the sister all three are 14 month know and been dug two im sure khl 999 will put a pic of dam up he own,s her A hardy looking bitch,good breeding just oozes out of them.
  16. this is him just over a year old here,s the other one just over a year old Fine looking old dog and his pups look the part hope they work out well for you.
  17. No need to beat somebody up just because they have a perm.If you want to fight join the Army.
  18. Nothing wrong with a perm I like highlights myself they go well with my new red high heels.The cock thing I am very touchy about as the NHS has turned me down for the operation.Love and kisses.
  19. Im not surprised you dont have a problem,its not your f*****g name been shouted around is it.If you have no problems with names why dont you tell everybody yours and your address for good measure. LET THIS THREAD DROP.
  20. did you not get a Wheaton thread deleted already because of your graphic descriptions?
  21. Your really trying to separate the factions aren't ye,if you want townie's not to have any thing to do with hunting,you will have an auful lot more people on the side of the antis, realistically there is properly more people from cities and towns that hunt than the country,and do a much needed service for plenty of people that keep stock We dont shout about huntig,im not being an arsehole here.Its city/townies that has ruined scenceble pest control As ye can see Ireland has idiots the same as every other Country.Imagine fighting for rights for this gentleman and his ilk.
  22. Your last input to this site was to say Townies wreck the countryside and dont have a clue about digging or back filling.So what exactly is your agenda here.
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