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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. Any word on the rescue?we dug thru foundations of a house with kango's to get to a dog one time.
  2. Eating wild sheep is very bad for the libido,you may never get horny again.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
  3. He should have got a medal,for shooting a b*****d who never worked a day in his life,but stole from those who got out of bed in the morning and earned a living.
  4. Why did they save our life or something?
  5. Wish we had somebody like him over here,old people mugged in their own home,paedos get community service,a Guard with a young family shot in the head at close range(he never stood a chance)Padraig Nally got jail for shooting a NACKER he should have got a medal,Bring on Saudi Justice.
  6. Another intelligent contribution to THL.
  7. It looks like some form of footrot,are they on very wet boggy ground,it does look as if something is eating it.Some old time pit men used goats for training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. whens me invite liam only joking.you hunt them by any chance No I dont hunt them,there is about forty or fifty ramble around here everyday.I love watching them I dont know why.Some fine mature Billys in the herd.
  9. Most unusual his horns gone,plenty of wild goats around here but never seen that before,with the state of his feet it was only humane to shoot him.
  10. This was over twenty five years ago,when we got a call out,this one was in the sitting room.For any RSPCA having a look this one did not live to run another day.
  11. Our own Irish history has been full of informers and quislings for over eight hundred years,so it irks me SLIGHTLY when I see Irish people talking about other's,I presume you are Irish and not plastic,if you are the latter it would explain a lot.I choose whether to put up my name,or not,should everybody else not be giving the same courtesy?Are you sure your Sir name is not Black or Gilmore?
  12. They must hav died very young ladies Liam,lol cause your no spring chicken,nice pic by the way. Jesus D I thought you were married with kids when I made the Communion.
  13. Towser on the left,Curly on the right,two of my grandfathers digging dogs.The granny and her sister,they were dead before I was born. We dug with stuff down from that stuff in the sixty's and seventies.
  14. A friend of mine knew Mother Theresa he told me for a fact she, was a morphodite who was partial to a bit of necrophilia every now and then.I'm telling ye this in the strictest confidence as I know it will go no further.
  15. What the f**k do you want them to do?wear a black tie and have mass said.Occupational hazard.
  16. Fair play to ye boys,ye dont let the cat out of the bag or shoot of the big mouths.No way would ye inform or give information,unless ye were tortured first. I thought for a minute ye were going to start giving out name's see'ing as how ye are so shy with putting up your own.
  17. f**k hard to follow that one LOL.
  18. Don't drink to much on your time off,Enjoyed your posts.
  19. Why? Ye're all well able to critisize this lads terriers but i dont see any videos of your terriers doing a better job! Why would you think Tommy the Tank nobody from Ireland would put up a video of badger digging(come on now think hard if thats possible)Nobody had video camera's when it was legal,yes Tommy it is illegal in your own Country to dig badgers(and rightly so)and you expect Irish people to have video's.This is some Irish joke is it? I'm not saying that irish people should be going around taking videos of badger digging but what i'm saying is that you should not be critisizing thi
  20. I think you were right,it does seem to attract some beautys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Why? Ye're all well able to critisize this lads terriers but i dont see any videos of your terriers doing a better job! Why would you think Tommy the Tank nobody from Ireland would put up a video of badger digging(come on now think hard if thats possible)Nobody had video camera's when it was legal,yes Tommy it is illegal in your own Country to dig badgers(and rightly so)and you expect Irish people to have video's.This is some Irish joke is it?
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