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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. Christy Mc had a PRINCESS... she was full SBT and was off Geronimo... photo below she was 14 years old... resizedimage.php.jpeg Manys the good time we had in Laois,he would sometimes come up when we were doing our own thing,he never went back without a pup or a young dog to train it the Cork way lol.
  2. We once gave the service of a top class staff to a mate of ours who had a white bull for bushing,she had four pups,the pups stayed local we tried everyone of them when they were old enough they nearly lifted the shore barking. LOL.I seen a few Kerrys tried they were worse than the EBT.
  3. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog? I personally never seen him trial,but I know some who did,obviously he was a good dog(he certified)some say he was not pure(I dont know if he was or not).My own opinion he was a one off even back then white bulls were shite for the real job.My favorite strong dogs were Cuilleog and CH breeding and these two lines were interbred on a regular basis by the two men who owned the line and myself.Never did better dogs walk on Irish ground
  4. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog? I personally never seen him trial,but I know some who did,obviously he was a good dog(he certified)some say he was not pure(I dont know if he was or not).My own opinion he was a one off even back then white bulls were shite for the real job.My favorite strong dogs were Cuilleog and CH breeding and these two lines were interbred on a regular basis by the two men who owned the line and myself.Never did better dogs walk on Irish ground
  5. Seen plenty of them working,never seen a good one,all they were good for was barking at the foe.
  6. My digging partner for more years than I care to remember was called out this season to do the not nice task of cubbing.The dog went in sounded, stuck in the shovel straight away he was in,out popped the vixen and ran over and sat in the middle of the field,one cub popped out he stuck down the shovel to block the dog getting out,the cub just looked at him,he left in alone and the vixen walked over picked up the cub and took off.I have never seen this and I am digging a long time,what a lovely sight to witness.PS I have seen badgers(back in the day)come out and grab cubs and run back into the s
  7. Started digging with the Uncles in 1965 and never looked back.
  8. What ever way you go I wish you well in your quest.It will not be easy to get the bitch you are searching for.
  9. Did you not notice the first three words in the post?it said IN MY OPINION that is what it is my opinion it is worth no more or no less than anyone else,s.I two have seen plenty of Irish terriers and found them all gassy just like a lot of show Lakelands.But at least I gave my opinion and kept away from the snide comments that are all to common on here.
  10. Dont know if Im wise or not,but I have never seen a good Irish terrier(not knocking your dog)Irish terriers are terriers not running dogs and they were never game just noisey.
  11. In my opinion that dog would bring nothing to the table mating him to Wheaton's or bulls,Irish terriers have nothing in them like either of the other two breeds mentioned.
  12. Two more dog 17 bitch 16 worked to a very high standard in big places.
  13. A 17 inch dog who worked all his life to a high standard in big places
  14. People managed it in the back of Morris Minors with twenty pints in the belly,so mesh is easy after that.
  15. Would you not be better off leaving dogs alone for a while and go to night classes to improve your spelling and your grammar?No hard feeling but either you are eleven or you are completely illiterate.
  16. Also try putting some tinfoil in the cap(at the back)it sometimes gives a better connection.
  17. A nice brood bitch when the time is right,choose her stud carefully.
  18. Nice dog! Here is a firs foxhole video (11 monts old). I hope this video will be allright to show here Looked like a good day was had by all.The same laughing and joking goes on everywhere when men dig,we are all the same regardless of Nationality or language,every hunting man knows the jokes ye are laughing at we all do it. Ye all sound drunk as well LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Nobody has missed the point,if ye are not massive puppy peddlers why the slick web site trying your utmost to promote Jet and Co.Do you honestly think any serious terrier men would use that shite to WORK or breed.The market you are concentration on are the people who know no better and have more money than sense,so you fill there mind with monumental story's of the hunting ability's and the gameness of YOUR LINE.We all know the drill man dont take us for fools.You have the neck to say if we sit back and dont breed there wont be any workers left in a few years,the best thing you could do to try
  20. Are you for real,you are a puppy dealer and you come on here telling us who to let on the site.I read your website with it's slick sales pitch and shit talk to sell as many pups as possible because you really love black dogs,what are the utube clips all about?all i seen was dogs running up a hill(oh yeah that is advertising WORKING DOGS)You say you have been in dogs over forty years,funny enough so have I and I never sold a pup in my life but gifted plenty.It is your ilk that is f***ing up working dogs.Dont think you will get much sympathy on here peddler.
  21. He goes under ground after badger,where it's cold and dark like the grave.If he spews or come's out early I will open his head with the spade.
  22. All them Glen boys tell lies,St Patrick digs with me,Cuchulainn does not dig.
  23. The weather up here in Wicklow is not good at the minute for dogs trapped.
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