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Everything posted by liamdelaney

  1. What would ye consider a better test then gentlemen(back when it was legal)? I for one would be very open minded to listening to better ways that we could have tested the dogs.
  2. And that about sums it all up Neil,things were going well until certain individuals started talking after beer about what they had in there possession to the VERY WRONG PEOPLE.That caused civil war and rightly so everybody started to just do there own thing after that.I agree with you it was not the trials stopped badger digging(they were kept very secret)it was the morons who unfortunately are still out there who think a bull lurcher is a necessity at a dig.Personally I liked the strong dogs that did not pull. LOL
  3. then they weren't GOOD BULLS pal if they were noisy. but hey whatever floats ye boat. Like Women, the dog game? well "it's complicated" guys on here are happy to talk in "Absolutes" about things they may not understand, but they've read about online or in a book, or guys that do understand but are too lazy to expand on here. They shouldn't be so quick to preach that a bull or wheaton making some noise should be destroyed or is worthless. Liam Delaney has a lot to say on here of great value but I think Liam you're being a bit flippant and simplistic on this thread. There's fellas
  4. then they weren't GOOD BULLS pal if they were noisy. but hey whatever floats ye boat. Like Women, the dog game? well "it's complicated" guys on here are happy to talk in "Absolutes" about things they may not understand, but they've read about online or in a book, or guys that do understand but are too lazy to expand on here. They shouldn't be so quick to preach that a bull or wheaton making some noise should be destroyed or is worthless. Liam Delaney has a lot to say on here of great value but I think Liam you're being a bit flippant and simplistic on this thread. There's fellas
  5. then they weren't GOOD BULLS pal if they were noisy. but hey whatever floats ye boat. Like Women, the dog game? well "it's complicated" guys on here are happy to talk in "Absolutes" about things they may not understand, but they've read about online or in a book, or guys that do understand but are too lazy to expand on here. They shouldn't be so quick to preach that a bull or wheaton making some noise should be destroyed or is worthless. Liam Delaney has a lot to say on here of great value but I think Liam you're being a bit flippant and simplistic on this thread. There's fellas
  6. has bull blood improved the wheaten. A bone of contention with a lot of people,but yes bull blood was used on NUMEROUS occasions to put sting into them.At that time we kept a lot of bulls and they were put to a lot of Wheatons,and that was just us,but most did not go shouting about it.
  7. I was talking about both,both breed of dogs(well bred)are good honest dogs at what they do best.To the man who said he saw wheatons doing it day in day out, if they were doing it right they would not be doing it day in day out.To the man who loves to hear them scream DONT LOVE IT,its one of the worst faults possible in a dog,he is screaming because he is afraid of what he is looking at,if he was any good his mouth would be full and he would not be able to scream(put him down)if you breed from shit you will get more shit and do a great disservice to the breed, and to the men who strive to keep
  8. If they are NEAR MUTE,they are not worth a f**k.
  9. you couldn't trust boots the chemist in them days liam.... I took some of the mrs arse once and they put a sticker over it unsuitable content -- they`d need a big old sticker these days .... I sent in a few by mistake of me shaging the Mrs, I nearly got done for bestiality,when they took a good look at them they awarded me the Victoria Cross.
  10. When I think of all the photos we did not take,but it was really not the done thing to pull out a camera(if you had one)a lot of people would not tolerate it,and dodgy to get developed.
  11. Never heard so much shit in my life,name my dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Some very good info Jawn,great to hear how other Country's hunt.
  13. That read brought back all the digging I done as a kid(I was the gofor)with hairy arsed country men all dead and gone RIP.Great times with no hassle go where you want dig where ever you wanted,welcomed by all as hunting and digging was not a dirty word,and a kick up the arse if you got to clever.
  14. Thats what I done put two boxes inside the shed,one at each end cut a hole in each end of the shed they go straight in to the box but cannot get into the shed,put a run outside partitioned in the middle,it creates two runs,they have to come out of the box and piss outside,they also cannot eat the inside of your shed.
  15. What one was that Liam? It was the Pre 73 thread,no fighting just good storys and a lot of old info.
  16. There was a thread on here about two years ago that ran for a long time,with old talk and old photos and no fighting,it was very good.
  17. Head and shoulders is the best, eliminates dandruff ,every dog owner should have some.I also use Grecian 2000 it hides the grey hairs to keep your best friend looking young.I have also tried Regain on myself and the dogs,with limited success on myself,but it does not seem to work on the dog,he still looks like a Mexican Hairless,if anybody can help me(or the dog)I will be eternally grateful,as lately people have been laughing at my dog and calling me baldy behind my back.
  18. Jesus Fatman did you not see all the women down your way admiring me.The son is home in Rehab,he is doing well considering,I bring him up to my house every weekend and we can go for a beer and shoot the breeze,a lot of parents dont have that luxury,all they have is a head stone.The young black dog is two he done a nice bit last year(for a young dog)I would like if he softened up a bit but I dont think it will happen,he is bred from black stuff we have for years.The lad in the photo is one of my sons home from Oz my digging partner since he was seven it was really nice to get to do a bit with h
  19. Hard dig to young black dog,went well but a bit hard for his own good so far.Handy dig to old red bitch still going strong at nine
  20. Liam did you ever see the red hand work? and with your experience at the trials do you think the red hand was a one off. what is your fav kinda strong dog? I personally never seen him trial,but I know some who did,obviously he was a good dog(he certified)some say he was not pure(I dont know if he was or not).My own opinion he was a one off even back then white bulls were shite for the real job.My favorite strong dogs were Cuilleog and CH breeding and these two lines were interbred on a regular basis by the two men who owned the line and myself.Never did better dogs walk on Irish ground
  21. What did you try them on?I ain't stupid enough to post what I have seen them do but the ones I have seen and I have seen quite afew were very game at what ever they were tryed atI did not say you were stupid,I do not use that language in a civilized debate on dogs.On the BULL TERRIER 2 thread you said,people who say they are useless are IDIOTS.This idiot has giving several personal examples(as have others)why I think they are useless,but you call me idiot for voicing my opinion.If somebody has no personal experiences to add to any debate or something constructive to say, resorting to the langu
  22. What did you try them on?I ain't stupid enough to post what I have seen them do but the ones I have seen and I have seen quite afew were very game at what ever they were tryed at I did not say you were stupid,I do not use that language in a civilized debate on dogs.On the BULL TERRIER 2 thread you said,people who say they are useless are IDIOTS.This idiot has giving several personal examples(as have others)why I think they are useless,but you call me idiot for voicing my opinion.If somebody has no personal experiences to add to any debate or something constructive to say, resorting to the l
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