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Everything posted by barrym3

  1. Hi i have a .22.250 rifle would a t4 be suitable on it whats your opinion thanks
  2. Hi i will be useing it to shoot foxes and roe deer i have a simmons 4. 12. 44 on the gun just now but i was looking for a bigger magnification its on a 22.250 rifle
  3. Hi has anyyone had a rhino scope can you tell me if they are any good and would they be ok on a centrefire rifle any them is more than comments about welcome thanks
  4. :hmm:Hi has anyyone had a rhino scope can you tell me if they are any good and would they be ok on a centrefire rifle any them is more than comments about welcome thanks
  5. i personally think you will be better with a bolt action rifle the semi-autos has a nasty habbit of jamin at the time you need it the most
  6. you are allowed to use a shotgun at night i have shot foxes for years with mine i have been stopped a few times by the police they did ask why i had it with me all you say is its for shooting vermin and theres not a thing they can do what are you shooting with it anyway
  7. HI i phoned the firearms dept and asked how my cert was getting on she told me my cert was live and was just waiting on the assistant chief constable to sign it the thing i dont understand is they still haven't contacted my referees has this happened to anyone before its lothian & borders police i do have a current shotgun cert so do they always contact the referees you give them they says to phone next week see if its signed yet ??????? any ideas please
  8. your better sticking with a better known make beretta , browning ,franchi ,remington, or winchester i personally wouldnt touch any cheaper ones they will give you nothing but trouble
  9. i had a beretta a300 and a a391 they were both good guns your better to buy a good secondhand one rather than a cheaper make new one there is plenty going about have a look on guntrader they can send it to a rfd for about £30 which is really ok plenty of good guns on there if you have a look
  10. he came out to me a couple of weeks ago he will ask if you have insurance , what type of rifle you want and where you intend to use it they can be a pain in the arse if you are want a rifle make sure you say you want a open cert or you will be limited to where you can use it . What is it your going for anyway
  11. hi i was wondering if anyone could tell me how long it takes the police to process a grant for a firearm grant i applyed the start of december it went to police in edinburgh on thursday but they cant say how long i do have a current shotgun cert and plenty of ground HILLY so whats there problem HELP what do i do next thanks has anyone had a recent grant how long did it take and what police force was it im waiting on lothian and borders
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