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About greggy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. No I'm sure it was just "fell terrier" mate thanks.
  2. Anyone help me out please,looking for a bloke who was on a few sites went by the name "fell terrier",had some hound pups off him and his mate years back but lost contact,wouldn't mind getting in touch with him,thanks.
  3. crackin thing mate.ill try get some of his litter mates up.ther shaspin up well too.
  4. cheers mate,they are that,going to be a handfull for their quarry id have thaught.lol.
  5. me too mate,really looking forward to bringin em on,never had pups like em.
  6. lol,theres nothing wrong with morris,its a good british name!
  7. and young Arg a real charactor round the yard,full of beans,lol.
  8. Morris on boxing day after his 6th dig,happy with his progress so far,but still a long way to go.
  9. Shane and Fran...more pics lower down,had to ad them as replys,wouldnt let me upload more than one at a time.
  10. boss did well mate nice to here him baying instead of being silent decent morning mate,cheers,hope therll be many more.
  11. great post mate,good to see hunting in other parts of the world.are they doggo,s on the boar?keep it up pal
  12. yous get some sport lads fair play but is it essantiall to kill em all,do yous ever let em run for next time?more fox,s equals more digs.
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