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About foyrious

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 19/07/1982

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  • Interests
    my dog, my kids, my ferets, my gun... maybe not in that order though.

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  1. im in derby mate, n i'll take a jill off ya hands, but i wont pay for a ferret n ive ot plenty of nets bruv... i cant c u gettin anything near that for wt ur sellin in derby, ya cant give ferrets away come may no matter how they work. bear me in mind anyway, i'll have a jill n keep her all her life.. might even have a staffy X american bulldog (20 month old) i could swap for the lot, but depends on a mate of mine. get back to me, ste
  2. If it was legal you would be a proper feckin div to slip a dog on a fox at 6 month's old :yes: :yes: I bet the same dog got sold on later that year No she is still with us best dog I've seen for her size here pups are now 8 months and killing them single handled ... so let me get this straight... last years pup, which would now be 15 month old at most... was takin charlie single-handed at 6 month, had a litter at 7 month, and them pups are already on the charlie??? Ur my HERO.. please please please teach me how to hunt, i'll do anything.. my bull x patterdale is 2 1/2 yrs an
  3. I can smell something..... fields??? sheep?.... no, cows??... that's it, BULLSHITE! ha.. never mind silver, it would need to be gold plated to fetch that kind of money, but if theres someone daft enough to pay it, he might hve a chance.. It's a shame that ferets are so common now and fetch no money atall, regardless of quality. It's also sad that such an intelligent and charismatic animal is so easily mistreated!! i've rescued many ferrets who were baught for a child and ended up living in their own crap due to a bite.. i'd bite if i were left in a cage week in, week out and never handled or s
  4. It's another year and STILL theres far too many ferrets being bred. Doesn't anyone get a hob done or pay to have the gill injected? It's hard to find real quality stock unless you're right 'in the know' and the ferret scene is bein flooded with crap every year.. For them that breed quality, for good reason, does it not piss you off when people expect all of your hard work for less than a tenner a kit? PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU BREED. If money's a problem, either find a mate with a vesectamised hob or DON'T keep ferrets! .. and that's my rant for today
  5. nice one mate ill let him know

  6. didnt get paid today as i gave my wrong account number.. will be sorted tommorow so i'll have some credit... moving house f****d my savings.. i'll bell John then.. my number is 07526003516, and its Steve (if u dont know already)... hopefully sort summet out for the weekend when i speak to john.. sound t-tyke.. foyrious..

  7. you cheeky bugger on my photo lol cheers

  8. Some good posts. It aint a problem to me, and when he hits stuff etc, he's tough enough. . Just when any of the 6ther dogs or us do anything, its blue murder. I rescued him only a month ago, but I've gave him a lot of confidence but its gonna be a journey getting him tough. . If I ever can. .
  9. Don't give up and never get mad or stressed. Get something that squeaks lotd and try that. Walk away from the dog and try getting down on all fours. Always treat and fuss on return. Good luck.
  10. Thought I'd ask about the mardiest types. . I've kept a lot of types, but my saluki x whinges over anything? My bitch ran into him yesterday and he didn't shut up for ages. . I shut the door and caught his toe the other day and it sounded like murder. He whines if we stop walking. . My other 3dogs are tough as old boots but my saluki x is a pussy. . Is it just the saluki in him or just his age? I've always bin lucky until now, and he aint nervous or handshy, just a proper drama queen. . He's ten month now. Cheers
  11. I am lookin for a hospice with a view like that. .then I might have a walk over the fens.its sport!
  12. I can aggree with alot of that, but what will you do after a year of digging to your ferrets and you the hit some heavy roots? is a stihlsaw a musthave? i was taught by some old boys, and if you are filling a pot, i'd sooner have a ferret return and leave a dead bunny, than dig through roots.. it takes more energy doing that than the bunny would give you. When bunnys are abundent, get the ferrets back, move on and bolt some more to the nets.. locators havent even been around long. Everyone does it different, but i dont enjoy digging as a hobby... if anyone does, then please come and dig my gar
  13. it was me who had the pup for free and then GAVE IT AWAY when we couldnt get on, I gave it to an elderly couple at the end of the street and its still there, however Barney theres more lies coming out of your mouth, you were rang twice and didnt answer, this was because we had just caught you out with the KC with your claims of a/ being a kc registered staff judge, and also b/ claiming you had a kc ch whippet, btw people this is also the same person who never returned the tems machine he borrowed the ones that the bone man charges £35/week for as for give me a slap you know where I live, oh y
  14. it was me who had the pup for free and then GAVE IT AWAY when we couldnt get on, I gave it to an elderly couple at the end of the street and its still there, however Barney theres more lies coming out of your mouth, you were rang twice and didnt answer, this was because we had just caught you out with the KC with your claims of a/ being a kc registered staff judge, and also b/ claiming you had a kc ch whippet, btw people this is also the same person who never returned the tems machine he borrowed the ones that the bone man charges £35/week for as for give me a slap you know where I live, oh y
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