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Everything posted by frostymorn

  1. [Hi mate its alun sorry i have not rang, just home from work. Do you have pic of dog. Iwill be leaving home about 6pm tomorrow its about 5 hours to Durham so if ok would love to see dog run. As i will have the cash. Pleas pm me details ie where to meet, i will call you in morning/ Regards.
  2. hi terry its alun from epsom. i left you a voice mail. pse keep me the biggest dog pup available not bothered about colour. will call you tomorrow. alun
  3. Hi mate its alun from epsom lovely litter and crackind parents, i would love to have one, can you put a pic up of whats left pse. But if available i would love to have one. 100% working home. regarda alun. Pm me your number i will call you cheers.
  4. hi mate its alun from epsom. lovely pups and dam is a nice strong bitch. which pups are still available ? v. interested.
  5. thanks for getting back to me... sorry was a mates dog i was trying to help him sell it but he messed me about to sorry mate hi mate do you still have the pup ? and what part of the country are you. pse pm he your number or call me on 07830698297. regards alun
  6. hi mate i am near epsomm very interested, where are you and whats left ? dogs bitches and collours regards alun
  7. hi mate, cracking pups, definately have one, any colour. One with a bit of coat would be good.
  8. ok mate thanks, please put me down for a bitch pup anywat whatever the colour, do you have any more pics ? ill PM you my number, regards alun.
  9. hi mate, i would be very interested in the black bitch if she is still for sale, she would be coming to a working home.
  10. Hi Can you tell me what pups you have left and the colours. I live twenty mins from heathrow, when are they ready? Can you PM me with a contact no? Cheers Alun
  11. hi, mate what a nice bitch. I am a keeper after a lamping dog. she looks ideal where are you would you take me out or sell with trial. please call me on 07882606071 anytime. p s only want rabbitting dog. regards alun
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