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Everything posted by francolin

  1. its here the wait is over ,c0me today and meet the man in person STRONG STUFF showing starts 1 o. clock be early,
  2. I'm not sure that will attract many people!!!!! if they miss it mate its there loss .just praying for good weather.
  3. dont forget this one nextweekend sat 30th jack o miterpub new hay road scamonden hudds showing frcm 1.oclock good food company ,stalls ect .come and meet STRONG STUFF from this site good gear at the right money all welcome.
  4. Even me? Spoke to Alan last night and sorted my stall out so will deffo be there .......... will bring "our" dog with me too! Can't believe there's a wedding on the same day, you'd think they'd cancel the wedding! it would,nt be thesame with out you and your top quality leather wear ,sorry ment to say leather gear. OR ARE YOU THE ONE INTO NYLON HOPE YOU CAN MAKE IT.
  5. Even me? Spoke to Alan last night and sorted my stall out so will deffo be there .......... will bring "our" dog with me too! Can't believe there's a wedding on the same day, you'd think they'd cancel the wedding! it would,nt be thesame with out you and your top quality leather wear ,sorry ment to say leather gear.
  6. a real day dont miss this one good food good company please come and support a good set of lads sat 30th may judgeing to start at 1oclock all welcome
  7. most have killed foxes that could have been let run, if truth be known , well done you lads good to see young men with the terriers hope its first of many.
  8. most have killed foxes that could have been let run, if truth be known , well done you lads good to see young men with the terriers hope its first of many.
  9. lads in preston , wigan area will no the score on the pie stuff , think it was popular around there, pie was bull x.
  10. both dogs looking good men, small world ss , my lads giveing me comp courses so i can play on these sites,
  11. strong stuff didnt know it was you on here , know you as A, both these pups are belters , do you still want to give me spike back , full refund of course, i am old francolin
  12. strong stuff didnt know it was you on here , know you as A, both these pups are belters , do you still want to give me spike back , full refund of course, i am old francolin
  13. how old is dog in pic , do you know breeding ,its a belter
  14. spot on earthpig ,kept right they stay right it not rocket science Your right its not but its mad how many so called terriermen cant manage it. And use s**t excuses like i just dont have the time but can spend hours on here or go down the pub. downsouth no were your comeing from some still keep em in shit holes , but these type are unfit to keep any type of stock , lazy txxts
  15. spot on earthpig ,kept right they stay right it not rocket science
  16. so a terrier stays with a fox six hours or more takes punishment but cant finish him , fox is on a tight ledge , or in tight roots ect, terrier stays till dug to for assistance , is it not worth breeding from,all spots are diff, the same dog could sort a fox in minutes under diff conditions below ground.
  17. the plummers some love em some hate em , based on hear say , pics dont lie at least your out there fireman doing the bis, to oyama for breeding tested stock stick at it .without the likes of you the breed is fxxxed
  18. thats the LONGand SHORT of it steve what were used to seeing cant see how long tail would hinder a good earth dog too much it will get there if it trying . bushing dog thats a diff story expect some tail damage, that said KEEP DOCKING them all
  19. im seriously trying to find out if he remembers me ,it was only 7 years ago ,he only called me by my name for about 2 years cant be that hard to remember ,i have never fallen out with the guy ,but i think rob did because rob came with others , and i never saw giles again .[what has being into dogs longer got to do with me finding out if giles remembers me . giles stated 28 years on the job, you stated 6 behind me , total 34 for you ,got my first terrier 35 year ago , so i win , you started the numbers game, edited to say i am pissed but finding this entertaining keep it up lads i ment on
  20. im seriously trying to find out if he remembers me ,it was only 7 years ago ,he only called me by my name for about 2 years cant be that hard to remember ,i have never fallen out with the guy ,but i think rob did because rob came with others , and i never saw giles again .[what has being into dogs longer got to do with me finding out if giles remembers me . giles stated 28 years on the job, you stated 6 behind me , total 34 for you ,got my first terrier 35 year ago , so i win , you started the numbers game, edited to say i am pissed but finding this entertaining keep it up lads
  21. GOT YOU SUSSED YOUR NOT WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE giles please put me out of my missery and tell me who i think i am . I NOW WHO YOU ARE.I HEARD YOU WAS PUFFING AND BLOWING AND LAGGING BEHIND A FEW WEEKS AGO WHEN YOU WAS OUT LAMPING. giles you just described me ,have i lamped with you
  22. my law giles kiss and make up for fxxk sake think i,ve been into dogs bit longer than you two
  23. some people have an eye for detail de tail
  24. some people have an eye for detail
  25. the ones that no one has heard off, no big names just honest lads breeding their own dogs for their own use. those are the best strains too right no big names and no big price tags just lads breeding good dogs for good dog lads simple as
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