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Everything posted by francolin

  1. can you train one for me please,but leave out the arsenal bit cheers,
  2. why kill edible game then not eat it,waste of good food+poor fxxxers life,respect ,kill it right then enjoy ya meal
  3. question for you then mate what would you call a cull ?? an what would you breed from ?? have you ever bred from any of your dogs ?? well to me a cull is a dog that quite simply cannot or wont do its job for instance if i bred a litter of fox dogs pre-ban say half cross bull/grey or wheaten/grey kept a pup reared it and entered it as i saw fit and the dog refused to tackle a fox point blank then that to me is a cull i wouldnt see the point in keeping it, i bred it for a purpose and for what i wanted and it cant fulfil that task,i wouldnt dream of re-homeing it or passing the buck so to sp
  4. don't be scared mate its only pussy. at one time i could eat it all day,these days wish i had eaten it,sooner have a brew.
  5. there you go again ,monkey on the brain ,thats twice today you posted about monkey
  6. bit of topic but is that a pair of jugs under kay just off to look for that unwanted pan set in the loft
  7. de dars [from sheff] common as muck could have said pussy :laugh:
  8. theres alot of dog lads from the tarn mate,sure you will spot em on here,
  9. dont put the collar on it mate,if you cant let it work in the style it is doing,leave it with your mate get a pup for bushing with no hound blood.
  10. let it go saxon ,face it you and wheaten are over your no longer a couple,move on francolin i've had him under my wing as long as i possibly can! but he got too fecking big . lol getin worried about your mentoring skills, plenty trainees been under your wing but all turn out to be naughty boys in the field
  11. very true morton but all get tarred with same brush by landowners ect.
  12. only time i venture in the fields at night in a motor was a good few years ago for the leg over,lamping best done on foot,upsetting a lot of folk ,people driveing the, land with no respect ,plus as said alot of stuff going missing,shame for the genuine lads.
  13. might be old method but get em out among stock from early age and often the prob dont arise,make sure the basics are in place early like whos in charge
  14. they are common neil ,but not a breed i kept till this year,got some recently and like em,mine have IFCS rings on and IFI rings so i am thinking there a true example of the breed plus they were from a chap who started life your side the pond
  15. let it go saxon ,face it you and wheaten are over your no longer a couple,move on
  16. good luck ,had the cage birds about 40 year on and off,a good interest for the young un,first time for me keeping irish fancy ,will see how they go,all the best to you both.
  17. not done bad mate about 20 fifes to go,just keeping the irish fancys for a change,a bloke i know as packet in so got a few of his irish ,club rings on em so i know what i am starting with age wise next season
  18. just wonderd how people have done this year,not done too bad ,had to part with some due to lack of room, only keeping a few pair for next season,spares are in large flight cage at mo all colours cocks and hens ,sold all glosters,still some fifes to go ,only keeping irish fancys for breeding next year.
  19. hope you enjoy em,good luck.
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