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Everything posted by francolin

  1. some good birds can be had,but theres a lot of crap goes through the fur+feather markets a good place to off load poor examples of the breed ect,but ok if not showing,just make sure they look in good health when buying you will soon fill that allotment at them prices
  2. think it said lump in throat not boxers fella
  3. what your other for sale post judd not shamos is it.
  4. :laugh: 3 posts a day well observed judd,best keep a eye on you,as for lady hunter riding dwarfs,its nearly xmas i am only 4foot call me
  5. have you still got book,cant pm
  6. i'm thinking its just the anti's that follow me about lol they'l not come again when the francolin gets involved do recall when one got a tbar wrapped over his wrist,broke it stopped him tossing for weeks that was when they pesterd the mink hounds ,you know who told me had to dip him in river to stop the swelling classic ,could not make it up
  7. hm,does seem like myther follows that wheaten chap around, be wise to stay clear of that one, .
  8. mr darcy the police budget must be fine,walked past two in a range rover other night engine running to keep warm,it aint moved 3 hour later on my way home,dont think the two fat occupants had moved either,only to turn there heads and eye the dog
  9. got to agree with tomo on this one,
  10. just out of interest are you talking about mounted pack, the anti protesters seem to favour the mounted packs ,do you find this in your area,
  11. not been out wheaten ,but not heard owt,dont seem to bother our lot as you know have you had any with aj.
  12. thats why councils run out,folk bagging up and selling
  13. if you put em in wrong bin you could get a fine.
  14. nearly in tears for ya pal,i worked at the mines ,s my old man befor me,his befor him,so do feel for all involved ,in the strike the welsh lads proved there worth ,come to yorkshire to march side by side with yorks miners,but think this way better to have known and lost than not have known the bloke,god bless them all .and there familys
  15. should go to small shows mate donation to get in like the scarrview hounds
  16. Show me where I've ever supported the BNP on here? Why are you on here typing when your people at Dale Farm need your help? How am I a fool?, you're the mug that lives in a shed! its on tv 8 .oo monday ,dale farm dont forget to watch it ss.
  17. very well put,in time of need these people come together,i know they will now,the raggy lads of the mines are the salt of the earth in my eyes ,a bond hard to break,R.I.P.lads ,
  18. who would be qualified to say who is established enough,how would you judge who is classed as sensible to vouch for folk,mates helping mates ect,
  19. who gives a dam about your footwear,you were out for a lamp,unlike a lot on here including me ,good on ya
  20. been with mine 30 + years so think i,ll stick it out, too old to train another up,but do like your style
  21. then look at the bloke telling you ,he might be a bullshitter
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