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Everything posted by francolin

  1. worth checking with scarrview not too far for you mate if you know any them lads atb
  2. scarrveiw not far from you pal, sure you will know some of them boys
  3. as foxdropper said ,make a new fall,make sure it falls to door opening so it can then be swilled out into pen area at back, pen area falls to a drain ,job done, if weather is good they will urinate out doors hopefully
  4. hope he works out for ya fireman, atb.
  5. not been on here much lately, good luck with the chaffies mate, I have done nothing this year, only got 3 pair at mine and they are doin my head in lol. atb lads
  6. there are many in England that don't LOOK THE PART some lads have hounds of various crosses, that are just kept to do a job,think its more about the area they are used in, atb.
  7. as stated I kept records at the time my best hatches were with no water added, in still air, could this be due to area I lived in,humidity in the room ect,its a good few year ago so I cant remember humidity readings ect,but I did try game eggs in same incubators and got poor hatch rates,atb.
  8. stevo I also had a orange incubator, fan assisted, door opened at front it had 3 pull out trays,cant remember the make,but this did better with water in,and they were all run in same room, so do know how that works, lol
  9. Are you not even putting water during hatching?? Cheers [/quoteat ]stevo I hatched a large amount of quail at one time, these machines were run constant,i never added water even when eggs pipped, they hatched dry,then removed chicks hooverd incubator and refilled with eggs,this was years ago,so cant remember what humidity readings were but I was hatching year round,atb
  10. seen it and it was still a fight to the death lol
  11. will start by saying I know less than nothing about these little dogs, but I did see 2 a lady had that could catch rabbit, for anybody up north ,she had a shop in leyburn, so some of you might know the lady in question ,I met her on my permission when ferreting with my sons she lived next to the farm, hers caught rabbits while exerciseing ,but sometimes both were there at the kill, lol,
  12. when I was hatching in polyhatch machines,i had 3 running constant ,got best results with no water added, and never opened till all hatched,
  13. the welsh type hound Milliken, great coat for nights out, independent, and great at escapeing from kennel when visiting other packs, o and very good at giving tounge on ferry home,
  14. red mosaics at my sons have hatched 2 days old, my canarys still doing naff all atb.
  15. :laugh:bullys = stress , saying that I aint got a canary nesting as yet, but it was snowing yesterday :blink:good luck lads with the bullys.
  16. even these 2 pair canarys have not nested yet at mine, but the ones I let my son have are on eggs at his, so might start soon, plenty of time for the british I would think, its like wnter here this w/end, very cold wind and rain, did see a blackbird building in garden yesterday, hope ya all have a good season atb.
  17. worth the wait that mate, great to see the terrier in action, great stuff
  18. If it was not for the IWTF idiots as you call them,you would not be digging foxs or cubs at all,and when the Guards were called you would be going to prison.So bye their hard work these f***ing c**ts(your words)saved you going to jail. jail for what..the oul lad owns the ground told us to do the holes,it was him was telling us the guards were called we were away on by then, he told them he allowed us on,so yer man was trying to get us jail.some terrier man eh. Well you see only for them IWTF f***ing c**ts terrier work would be highly illegal now,and when the Guards were called you
  19. age has no bearing on how good a man works terriers, there was good and bad back then, and its the same now liam, the older lads I went out with were excellent digging lads, but theres lads equally as good out there these days, just to add I was never as good as either ,atb
  20. no man is a authority of the digging game Pablo,if some think themselves better than others,thats there problem mate, its only opinions
  21. jack as I stated befor, the terriers are yours it come down to what you decide, you said you would like to start something of your own terrier wise, that is fair enough, put plenty of game infront of the dogs you have, make sure you are starting with decent workers not inferior stock,and you may get something of your own to be proud of ,it all depends how serious you are about produceing decent terriers,atb.
  22. jack its your terriers,your choice ,but why not wait and put time into the young dog,get him some work under his belt,he may turn out the perfect dog to put over your bitch,good luck what ever ya choose.
  23. true mate,i keep banging on about this ,but there are some good lads out there ,that know there job, they just get on with it, no fuss, atb
  24. the best place to talk terriers, was the miners after terrier show, late afternoon, by we dug some game in there , lol
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