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benny 1

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Everything posted by benny 1

  1. nice dogs mate nice and racey u should do well with them this season heres my two young ones fighting while mum is scanning the feild
  2. cheers lads am happy with them ;)
  3. one more off mum showin pups how to use there nose
  4. sorry last pic heres the bitch my girl keep from the litter
  5. thats my nephew with his bitch in the last pic heres one at the last local show she is alot more fitter now. and hers my grey bitch shes a diffrent dog now to the shivering wreak she came to me as now i can let her off the lead and she walks by my heal and her recall is excellent so am over the moon with her progress
  6. heres a few pics off the dogs i own first is my wheton x lurcher bitch then two pups from her and a pure grey bitch and my nephews bull grey collie wippet grey let me no wat u all think first pic is my ruff bitch with my mates old dog the sire to my pups
  7. This is one of the bitches i will be running this season
  8. aye lads there all comin on great the ruff one is alot like the dam wat height are your two now they will be 4 month on the 4th off this month ill need to get a copule off pics off my mates two there like racey deerhound x
  9. hes turned out a peach mate my two are comin on great there mum is showin them the ropes just wish more off the lads that got a pup keep i ntouch ill post a pic off my two tomorrow and ill get a pic off my mates two out the litter well done [bANNED TEXT] ur doin a good job keep it up ;) ;) ;)
  10. well done mate i was out last night never got anyware near that amount. the rabbits were few and far between on my land but i still ended the night with 13 was a good night out and feads the dogs for a couple off days so am happy heres a wee pic when we had ten got the other 3 on the way home
  11. hopefully if thats the out come off my efforts ill be over the moon fingers x she comes round one thing is ill try my hardest and some more ill do anything to bring this bitch back to full mental and physical health thanks again mate the best bit off addvice ive had on this site
  12. thanks very much mate the best addvice ive heard yet ill try anything to get her back to normal and i reasure u all i would never dream off breeding her in the state shes in thanks to most for ur sound addvice ill keep u all posted
  13. no one had any expereince with greyhounds or really scared and nervouse dogs
  14. just got a new greyhond bitch on saturday there am lookin abit off addvice as its my first greyhound she came with her book but shes unregdisterd so i have to name her and send it away she is in pretty bad condition and is really scared and withdrawn everytime i go to her box to walk her or feed her she goes right to the back off her box shaking ive never seen this in any dog before and she dosent responed to anything i have to put her food in her box as she wont come out ive spent a few hours a day just sitting at the door off her box just trying to get her used to me just wondering is there
  15. is there going to be any lurcher racing at this show
  16. well done it was a great show excellent i got loads off pics and wee videod the whole show roll on next year thanks to all that helped put on the show all the best ben :clapper: :clapper:
  17. lovely dogs lads keep them coming am takin my wippet x out the night try get her a few easy rabbits
  18. really nice dogs lads a few crackers my wippet x is comin on really well she should make the grade no problem just waiting on a really dark windy night so i can try her out right codie are u going to the ayr show mate :clapper:
  19. some really nice dogs there lads keep them coming :victory:
  20. nice pup catcher mate ill be leaving my two at home still abit young hers a pic off the wippet x
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