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benny 1

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Everything posted by benny 1

  1. ive been considering taken my 7 month old bitch out on the lamp to give her one or two rabbits so tonight was excellent conditions so off i went with pup and mum in the van just incase got to the first feild i only took the pup in to the feild just to see wat she would make off it soon as i put the lamp on a rabbit bolted in front off so me so i slipped her she was straight on it and turned it towards me she coursed it well then it hit thick brambles so did she straight after it bit o a chase frew the brambles then back out then she lifted it before it could make it back in i was chuffed to bi
  2. aye shes a nice bitch [bANNED TEXT] shame we have our pups comin or id o took her straight away hope she goes to a good home
  3. seen this wee bitch today shes a nice wee dog should make a handy wee lamper for someone
  4. pups lookin good conyie mate the bitch i keep back out my litter is doin excellent jumping everything and i gave her 2 rabbits out the net the other day and she lifted the two o them easy cant wait till shes up would love to see how the others are gettin on out the litter
  5. Thats only your opinion. aye thats only my opinion but greyhounds cost 2 much money for wat they are plus there think as pig shit better off with a good old lurcher with a brain, and watching it running outsmarting and killing a hare, 1000 times more exiting than watching a greyhound run round a track after a lure ATB LURCHERMAN
  6. angus is the same as the bitch i kept shes 21 heres a wee pic of her n mum
  7. aye del mate ur wee man is the only smooth in the litter hes a wee topper alot like the sire coinye ur wee dog is lookin nice to there comin on well my wee bitch is 21 inche and my mates two are 19 inch wat height are yours lads. i took wee sweap to my mates the day it broke my heart when we had to leave at one point i said no a cant do it but its for the best he will get 100 per cent off my mate attention and will make a better dog for it
  8. sire bull grey collie wippet grey and dam lurcher x lurcher
  9. pup gone now lads thanks again for ur comments i piked him to go as its alot easer to keep two bitches rather than a dog n a bitch hes gone to a good family freind so ill be able to watch him work when he is up i couldint face lettin him go to just anyone so he has found a good home thanks again
  10. ken mate am gutted he is my pride and joy a wee cracker am in two minds really but it wont be fair on him if he dosint get worked to his full potential
  11. would like him to go to a good home on here so i can keep up to date on his progress along with all his other bros n sis this is a very hard thing to do but both pups will benifit from being apart as its hard to put ur full time in to two pups along with all lives other comitments he will make someone a excellent worker he is good with all live stock as he and his sis have been in about them since 8 weeks old he is ruff coated with one pure silver eye and one brown one any more info needed pm or ring 07515937336
  12. one more off wee sweep hes the one not doing the toilet
  13. lurcher dog pup for sale 4 n half month old only sellin as i havint the time to bring on two pups so after a long and hard chocie i have to let my pick off the litter go hes a wee cracker and will make a excellent worker he sits and walks off and on the lead no problem his sire is bull grey collie wippet grey and dam lurcher x lurcher both parents can be seen and are excellent workers will make anyware between 25 + located in south west scotland stranraer and lookin 100 heres a pic off sire and dam and pup
  14. there all comin on good lads it was abit harder with me as i keep two but there comin along nicely sitin and stayin and started jumping so happy with there progress so far
  15. your wee bitch is the spit off the mum shes a wee cracker mate i would off been happy with any out her litter there all cracking pups all the best and good luck with her
  16. one more dell and conyie on here have a pup each two they will put some pics up soon off there two then thats the whole 9
  17. [bANNED TEXT] mate shes a wee cracker heres a few pics off her bros n sis
  18. heres my lurcher to lurcher bitch and her bitza pups they haveeverything in them from wheton to deerhound bull wippet and collie and the rest ;)
  19. the black bitch is bull grey collie wippet grey mate she was my nephews as ushal he got bored with the dogs so ive got her now shes a handy wee bitch might have to part with her once i start racing my greyhound not enough time in the day for all these dogs lol
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