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benny 1

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Everything posted by benny 1

  1. hi a bought this fell terrier off a mate that wont be around for a while hes 2 years old and a really good dog for cover wat ive seen so far trouble is i dont have the knowledge to try him on anything eles hes very keen and would go to ground if i let him but i dont want to try him without nowing wat to do heres a wee pic of him before and after his hair do any addvise would be helpfull as i dont wont him getting wasted as all i can offer him is working the cover for my bigger dogs so might have to go to a new home
  2. my mate has asked me to put these dogs on for his mates they are in wales and are sellin there terrer and bull x i know nothing about theses dogs just puttin them on for him so if anyone is intrested ring 07949722538 for terrer and 07516466163 for the bull x dont pm me or ask me any questions about the dogs as i know nothing about them think there lookin around 100 for the terrer and 200 for the bull x heres pics he sent me
  3. Great photos everyone. I think the brindle one is a different example but nice dog. Good pics!!
  4. thats the bitch gone thanks 2 all intrested going 2 a good home ;) and yip the ushall wide ones allways have somthing to say
  5. the bitch has a fair bit of grey around theface but her teeth r still white if it was alot older than wat mymate says would its teeth no b bad anyway if no 1 wants the bitch she will need 2 go to the dog home i bought the dog off my mates girl to help her oot ive never owned a terrer before if any one close 2 me nose wat theredoin id b happy 2 bring the bitch and my dog up see wat they can realy do as ive never dun digging before cheers ben
  6. she looks like she needs a zimmer frame to get there less of the snide comments the guy selling for a mate whos not there to work his dogs i suppose they will come with a trial if yous ask the boy whos looking after them All i know is what ive been told bout the dogs ive bought the dog so bitch is only for sale now. if it wasnt for bad luck on my mates behalf the dogs wouldnt be up for sale. The photo of the bitch doesnt do any justice
  7. the age is on the ad mate and they work above and bellow the bitch is the better dog for diggin but the fell is no dud it can go to
  8. bump no one intrested in 2 workin terreiers any sinsible offers accepted
  9. hi sellin my mates paterdale bitch 3 n half year old excellent worker very game bitch and his fell terreier dog 2 year old good worker aswell all good with other dogs and kenneled outside only sellin as he is away for a long holiday ;) and his wife needs the money while hes away they have not done much this season as hes been busy with other things so ive got them till they sell as she cant look after them best offer accepted as they need to go together or separate i dont no a thing about terrers just doin my [bANNED TEXT] a favour but both well behaved dogs and very keen to get back t
  10. no mate just got gave the ferrets from a freind for next season so holding on 2 them there will b plenty off kits about soon so will b easy 2 get one
  11. thanks mate am the boyfreind in question and thats my point esactally our wheton x works fine with ferrets she thought i was talkin about if they were on there own ie ferret escaping and running about the yard and and ur dog killin when no ones there it was funny when i thought she was sayin u cant train a dog to work with ferrets :clapper: :clapper:
  12. frost u havint enough ferrets or dogs put together that would even make me think about swapin one off the pups never mind lady :clapper: :clapper: :D :D
  13. aye mate will do most off them r goin 2 close freinds but if there any spare ill put them on the huntinglife first as i wont 2 no how all the pups r doin when there up
  14. she dosenae look a diffrent dog shes a house dog and is havin pups so will b out off action for a while by the time shes rady 2 work out in the cold her coat will off grew back and it saves alot off mess when shes havin her pups 2
  15. so did i but it will b alot more better for her when the summer comes in i wouldnae like to walk about in a fur coat lol it will grow back in the winter hopefully
  16. a think she was clipped and she lives in doors the now am gettin a heat lamp for when she has the pups ive build a box in my shed for her and the pups so it should b nice and warm am lettin her have them outside so they can get used 2 it straight away
  17. ive alllready lined her due first week in may ive lined her with a 26inche bull grey collie wippet grey my mate has owned him since 6 weeks old his now 5 wat a dog he was in his day before a few bad injurys she will b alot more easy 2 keep clean for a while
  18. cheers she feels like velvet now a didnae reconise her when a went get her heres a pic off her standing
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