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benny 1

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Everything posted by benny 1

  1. thanks [bANNED TEXT] a she had 4 bitches 4 dogs and a nice selection off colours some unushal merl ones and the blue ruff is a wee cracker to all pups doin well and mum doin great
  2. hello mate my dog snapped her inside toe back leg and the vet told me if i wanted her as a pet the toe would be fine on but if working and runing hard then it would need to come off now my bitch is runing 100 per cent better alot quicker and turns alot sharper to they dont even notice its gone
  3. thanks lads there doin great final tally 10 but one died mum doin great hers some pics not the best qaulity off each pup let me no wat u think
  4. not sure wat one im keeping ill wait till there 8 weeks and then pik ill no for sure wat one i want by then might even keep 2 ;) better pics will be on in a few days
  5. thnx very much everyone for ur nice comments cant get over all the diffrents colours she had
  6. heres a quick pic once i know thats her over ill take seperate pics off them all for u theres some belters there will be some spare so if anyone intrested in a pup in 8 weeks send me a pm theres 2 blue and white merl one shampane merl 4 black with white feet and chest and white tip on tail 2 blue - grey not sure off coats yets as its 2 soon to tell
  7. my bitch is still in labour thats the tenth pup she has givin birth 2 so 9 good healthy pups so far am not teasing anyone ill put pics up once shes finished and settled
  8. aye ill put pics up once mum is defo finished and pups r all ok am over the moon some nice colours well worth the weight
  9. 8 so far and one still born am gutted but atleast the rest r al ok and mum is doin good
  10. ano mate its brillant the last one is merl and white its a wee cracker one black and white one same as the dam and to dark red and white still think theres a couple more to come
  11. thats lady had 5 now all wee crackers 3 dogs 2 bitches so far and still more to come
  12. one more bitch tan with black muzzle 2 wee crackers pics will be soon mother doing great touch wood lol
  13. [bANNED TEXT] lads thats the first pup here am over the moon cant wait for the rest first one a bitch blue n white ruf am more nervouse than the dog :) :clapper: :clapper: ;) :D
  14. no problem mate theres a few booked and if there is any spare ill give the huntinglife lads first shout bitch is still hangin on :(
  15. well done terrie should be nice pups and aye lady is still hangin on :D cant be for much longer all the best with ur pups
  16. my bitch is still hangin on a think shes going 2 bust heres another pic off the sire for the lads intrested
  17. as i said i was talkin to some mates when ur mates dog was in the ring so i didint see wat happend i have n oproblem with the show i thought it was a good day oot. it was u that posted u had a problem not me so why u havin a go at me TOWSA DOG
  18. :clapper: :clapper: ive got a 3rd u can have its abit worn but still in good workin order
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