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benny 1

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Everything posted by benny 1

  1. Bump. Anyone interested in a lovely fawn 6 week old dog pup. Bred from great working parents. £100 to a good working home. Please pm me if interested. No timewasters please!!! FM
  2. ill be there my bitch should be in a bit better shape this time and might bring my two pups a run
  3. id take a loss on the pup but it would need to be going to a good home dont want it gettin passed about like a footba like most dogs on here pm me a sinsible offer and i might just acceped if its the right person ;) ;)
  4. bump cant beleave hes still hear all his bros and sis went when they were 2 weeks old he was pik after me and the sire a good healthy pup any intrest ?
  5. Its an interesting subject this one. My brother had a rottie pup and i used to walk it alot, the thing she used to do was stop and lay down as she noticed or could smell another dog coming her way. She would only get back up and carry on walking when that dog has passed her. She was really timid that way. But all in all she grew up to have a brilliant nature and was a lovely bitch. FM
  6. Sorry to hear this pal. There have been a few people saying that they have been told to get rid of the ferret for the same stupid reason. I mean i have ferrets with a private landlord - same principle really but i can keep 100's if i wanted aslong as there caged (so it dnt get out n harm public or other animals). Dont they realise people use these animals as working stock along with dogs. It really gets up my nose as it will urs im sure!! Do you know [bANNED TEXT] i would do is just ignore them man. If u really feel cut up about it then stuff em. They have tenents with big nasty dogs - do th
  7. bump pup still here thnaks for all the pms someone must be lookin a dog to bring on for next season wee dog is a cracker
  8. nice wat u keeping out the litter
  9. sorry to hear that mate has the polecat dun anywork
  10. i know how u feel mate gutted for u my bitch lost her last pup she had ten and one died rest all nice health pups so im gratefull for that all the best ben
  11. a know how u feel if i could keep him i would but havint got the work or the space for him or he would be staying
  12. [bANNED TEXT] any one intrested in this pup hes a wee cracker
  13. Sorry i never noticed there born! Very well done. How many is there? Ben
  14. Hey pal are the pups born yet? Hope she aint over due pal. Keep us posted. Nice looking parents! Ben
  15. still not made my mind up its hard to name a pup
  16. aye u do that mate it wouldnae matter wat pup u got oot this litter there all wee crackers abit gutted about that black and white bitch going the day i liked her atleast shes going to a good home
  17. lovely pups there [bANNED TEXT]
  18. :clapper: aye mate nearly as good as o deer
  19. mate am no realy botherd if ur no wantin the dog please dont comment
  20. no one said my bitch is a world beater wat u reading :wacko: i said i will run my bitch with anyone on the lamp including u but ur probs one off these folk on here that had a lurcher 20 year ago and still live off ur old storys away back to ur arm chair :notworthy: :notworthy:
  21. yip mate there is one dog pup left there in the buy n sell section i was thinkin haze for my pups name wat u all think any other ideas ?
  22. my girl wants to name it duke but am no sure like any good hunting names :whistling:
  23. f**k all mate just high on life sitting with the dogs i have seems to have that effect on me :whistling: :whistling:
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