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benny 1

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About benny 1

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. rest o the day aff think a dig is in order nice wet day so hopefully somthin home

  2. razorlight golden touch

  3. locator and collar wanted for terrier any ideas for wat i need

    1. paulus


      no not a clue.....lol


    2. stripes


      batteries lol

  4. got ma border dog and patt bitch yesterday roll on my weekend aff lol

  5. good night last night bitch i breed won as keep telling these young ones once she was fit a diffrent bitch

    1. pip1968



  6. round 2 the night nephews dog won last night

  7. need a new dog all this land and going with other folks dogs nae geed

  8. roll on the winter and top it aff my moto x is broke lol

  9. going to take the dogs round new bit of permision see wats about

  10. aye ill get one up soon as mate he can fairly shift and turn realy sharp cant wait to start hunting him
  11. times not long going by mate hows u my pup will be 3 on 4th o may how did ur pup turn out
  12. she turned out nice mate boots is comin on a treat can wait till mid winter he can start seeing the odd rabbit wat height is she hes bout 22 inche
  13. i had to get a gaurd dog as the street were in is a tad ruff and when am away working the junkies would try the door or prowl round the gardens so got my girlfreind a rottie had him from 5 weeks hes 18 month now from about 10 month old all the prowling and door trying stopped lol hes excellent with all the kids and never leaves the girlfreinds side i trained him my self he will attack and stop in comand ive noticed when it gets dark he seems to go into gaurd mode just listening for any unshal sound i would highly recomend a rottie
  14. any pics of the sire poacherman and wat heights ur bitch pup mate
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