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Everything posted by bunnyman

  1. I have had a great start to 2018 with x3 new permissions, that now brings me up to 15 permissions within a 20 mile radius of my home the biggest being 2,000 acre farm bunnies, tree rats, woodies, foxes, crows, to name a few. going to be a busy 2018!!! atb brian
  2. i cannot bring myself to eat tree rats to me they are rats, i use them as bait for crows/magpies/ foxes . atb brian
  3. well done lads, been out twice recently, 6 bunnies on friday night and 5 bunnys on saturday night all with my fac airranger .22 @37fpe with a nite-site wolf nv on my mamba lite 3x12 x44 scope the airranger has a match grade barrel fitted and is deadly accurate out to 75yds. atb brian
  4. Great shooting FTM, keep bashing them tree rats!!!!. atb brian
  5. Hi Phil ,if you are considering a dedicated Nv scope in 2018 the photon RT is very good value for the money and with a good IR Torch is an excellent nv unit, i have the 4.6 photon which i use with a t20 ir torch on my.22 lr rimfire its a great bunny bashing unit. atb brian
  6. Anyone who serves his country has my respect , i spent a time in the forces myself atb brian
  7. Its a pity that some people have to make moronic comments ,
  8. I respect Si Pittaway he is an ethical hunter and first class shot ,,the D/mail does not know what they are talking about mindless drivel imo i shall carry on being a VHTV surpporter atb brian
  9. Hi Nick did you find anybody local,i live in High easter and shoot fac air, rimfires, shotguns, and have several nv scopes and at 70 yrs young i am quite experienced!!!!!in shooting matters. atb brian
  10. Hi Guys, has anybody on here used or seen a Night vision addon made by David Groves is it any good , has anybody a contact for him?!! atb brian
  11. Not met either Si or Davy, but both come across as straight, decent guys who have made a great contribution to airgunning , that they operate in a humane and ethical manner, i place a great deal on personal integrity, straight dealing, honesty imo both lads qualify for the latter. atb brian
  12. Great shooting PP and report , I have sent you a pm atb brian
  13. The latest nite-eye the N500 LR is a great piece of kit it has a range of 300 + yds, and yes i own and use one. its great value for under £500-00. atb brian
  14. Hi Froudy , there are delays on the arrow , the circuit boards have been found to be faulty and are having to be remade, the one to wait for is coming from Taclight the Nightmaster Atom addon probaly available from July . atb brian
  15. Calibre and pics pls, some info does help!!!!!! regds brian
  16. Hi Andy, i have a PB nv unit on my hw100 .177 @11.5 fpe it looks different but for £350-00 , is great value,its dead clear, range is 150-yds+ its great for airgun/rimfire--.22Lr ..the maker Nic Wenham is very helpful too with info and help if needed. i think this NV is excellent for the money. atb Brian
  17. Hi HB , i use a daystate huntsman classic in .20, i use H&N FTT .20 pellets its very accurate and hits hard out to 40--50 yds. its my fav sub 12fpe pcp. atb brian
  18. TBH its as descibed by Stubby , its great for target shooting, but imo pretty well shot out of prey, Ben you need to try , stables, garden centres, large houses with big gardens with maybe a pigeon, grey squirrel problem, i put a simple ad in my church parish magazine and got lots of permissions from that simple ad. keep trying do not give up. good luck atb brian
  19. Well done 72line per, its about time certain people got what they deserve i have always thought that individual was a ----!!! atb brian
  20. Hi JonP, it just shows, you really must identify your prey properly before taking the shot, i am lucky my rat shoots are amongst straw bales where the rats are living, i put out bait of bricks coated with peanut/chocolate spread on them at the base of the bales, leave these for several nights then set up using an ns200 and my hw100 with H&N hunter extreme .177 pellets these nail them to the spot. great fun atb brian
  21. nail on the head there steve Well Davy ,the quicker Si is back the better for this forum IMHO regards Brian
  22. welcome back Phil , that looks a great shoot, keep bashing them greys great piccy.s. atb brian
  23. well i will soon be getting one of these bullpups in .22cal fac at 30fpe to use with my NV gear ,as its ideal for ambushing and shooting from my friends 4x4 Well done SAM. atb brian
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