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About bunnyman

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Location
    Gt Dunmow Essex

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  1. Hi Kal i am a big NV fan and currently use nite site -Wolf & a nite site Viper NV scopes also use a photon XT 6.5 and a Pulsar N750A my prey being rabbits , Rats, & Foxes. atb brian
  2. Great shooting Mark, and a great looking dog . atb brian
  3. the good thing Phil about the nite site is its so easy to use on any gun, i use my ns-wolf on my rimfire .22lr,s, my fac air airranger.22@37fpe, my wolverine.303 @100fpe, where as my photon 6.5XT is on my brococock compatto .177 for big garden Bunny bashing. atb brian
  4. Hi Jon, i have been using Nite site Nv since the NS200 first came out and currently use a NS-wolf & a NS-viper i have no problem with the heads up position as i shoot off primos tripod shooting sticks and and most of my rabbits are shot from ambush, i keep screen brightness as low as possible and enjoy using the nite site NV units, i also use photon XT6.5 ,pulsar N750, X-sight3x12x44, as NV is a hobby of mine. atb brian
  5. great shooting with a springer ,well done Sir!! atb brian
  6. i agree with Phil, i have damaged elbows due to quite a lot of accidents on motorcycles when younger racing motorcycles i might add ,so i shoot all my guns from tripod trigger sticks especially my NV scopes ,my primos sticks best buy i ever made imo!!!! atb brian
  7. i also love the .20 cal, i shoot a daystate huntsman classic .20 with H&N FTT pellets its hard hitting with a good flat trajectory. i must admit my main bunny-gun is my fac airranger.22 @37fpe with bis mag pellets its a real hard hitter out to 70yrds,. keep up the great shooting Pav. atb brian
  8. Nice shooting BN , good luck with the new Perm . atb brian
  9. I shoot Fac air Villaman, and use lots 0f my sub 12fpe airguns as well my fac air is x1 .22 airranger @37fpe , x1 cricket bullpup .22@26fpe i use this airgun for ambushing from hides/ static positions and for fun my .303 wolverine @100 fpe with 50.15 grain pellets that s my devastator.. fac air is useful when my .22 /.17 rimfires are not suitable due to land layout An airarms fac s510 in .22 at 30 fpe is an excellent fac airgun good value for the money Enjoy your fac guns and safe & happy shooting. atb brian
  10. Its a disgusting way to kill rabbits who tend to starve to death unless they bump into me in which case they will die a merciful release. atb brian
  11. Well i use all my springers for target shooting and i like multi-shot pcp,s for hunting and i also use fac air and rimfires .22lr & .17hmr i like pcp,s for hunting because of the ease of a follow up shot if needed, but i love target shooting my springers 20- 50 yds. atb brian
  12. Hi Lamp shy, what is your price for the nv monocular??

    atb brian

    1. Lamp_Shy


      Hi, sorry just seen this, I'm hoping for aroundv £150 ish, for the monocular and T50 IR torch etc. 



  13. well done guys always good to see magpies& corvids hit the deck atb brian
  14. I currently have x15 permissions , 12 of them gained via an add in my local parish church magazine offering free pest control, listing the pests i control with my name and phone number. in the first week of this add being active i had gained x4 new shoots and still get regular phone calls, it does help of course i am local and have lived in the area for 40 + years so most people know me and landowners pass on my details. its about looking after your shoots, being polite, ethical & humane shooting, and in my case because i do a lot of NV shooting landowners let me know when
  15. I have been a subscriber CH for quite a long time , i enjoy your no nonsense attitude and ethical shooting methods ,keep the vids coming!!!! atb Brian
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