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Everything posted by ANTHONYCHEZ

  1. how old was the dog when he stopped growing parksie? some nice dogs there thanks for the replies
  2. and can she retrieve rabbits no problem?
  3. yes mate course it will make 20in it will probably come out a bit bigger. good luck with her nice dog mate. thought she would when will she stop growing ? 11 months ish?
  4. my beddy whip will be 6 month old on the th of this month, she is just over 17inc at the moment how big do you all think she'll make? as this is the first time i have had a lurcher pup,. shes retrieving well and jumping sheep fence with ball in her mouth, so pleased with progress. hoping she'll make 20 inc
  5. is it walnut? where did you get it from?
  6. I have been through 21 tins of various pellets and found that AA 8.4, H&N ftt 8.6, H&N Barracudas 10.6 are very accurate. The AA are a little soft and leave you fingers dirty but they do spread well on impact, H&N FTT pellets are as accurate and they are slightly heavier than AA's, barracudas give a lot more impact, people say they are the same as bis magnums but the barracudas are more accurate and better made. i prefered accupell, after trying out quite a few
  7. can any one help me find the permission form as i've put a search in but can't find it anywhere, any help would be good cheers
  8. do they work? any picks? i made some with some guttering but don't think they are balanced
  9. GOOD ACTION SHOTS, WELL DONE not sure exactly, think heeler, 9 year old now funny looking little un but never the less a good worker on rats and rabbits
  10. i use a beddy and a jrtx the jtr yaps which i like as you can pin point where he is
  11. i work for my self and have a labourer, been struggleing for about six months now. thing is everyone is under cutting us, and we aint that expensive!!!
  12. looks like I'm the only one to put rats.......... great fun in ratting and never any remorse felt!
  13. i said a couple of weeks left at the most also brimmer, i've also had a couple in the early stages of pregancy!! hope frank makes a full recovery
  14. nice dogs, look older than 6 and a half months old. strong looking
  15. well done brimmer, replaced the collar on my mk3 the other day, with a nylon cat collar, far better than the original, it holds the two halfs of the transmiter tighter as i find it can work a little loose after 2 years or so's worth of use!!!! and also you can make it as tight as you like, with there being no holes in it, you just poke the buckle pin any where through the strap, i'll get a pic up for all you mk3 users
  16. dose anyone know where i can buy some spinning wings fore my full body decoys, can't find them any where. some one must make them?
  17. my beddy only barks if the others rev it up
  18. spoof..how tall was the dog i have a bitch that looks just like that , i don't know her breeding tho
  19. cheers pal. wunder how it changed
  20. is it just my computer or has everyones changed, you used to be able to scroll down and read all the other topics but now when i scroll down you have to click on the replay, then you can read it,, if so i don't like it !!!!!! the old way was much beter.
  21. nice warren, would like a bit of action like that mysef!!!!
  22. i have coloured cords, love them!!! red is a big net blue for nomal size and green for the really big ones . all with bright yellow pegs. makes the job alot easier
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