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Everything posted by ANTHONYCHEZ

  1. where are you i yorkshire
  2. i have everything you need to load your own cartridge"s 36 primed remington green new case"s, 4 primed winchester new red cases, about 50 fiber wads, about 200 plastic wads, buffer powder, 52 wichester primers, a rolling tool, at least half a liter of powder, a 3/4 punch, a shot measure and a tiny bit of shot(but not much) you'll have to buy a bit of that. im after 55pound for the lot. or maybe swap for something. i could post at an extra cost. not sur how much it would be tho
  3. 12 gauge pump action cbc 586 for sale. 2 3/4 &3" full gun. i bought this last season for a bit of rabbit shooting and the odd goose but now don't need it. i enjoyed shooting this gun but need the room for a new gun. im after 130 for it i payed 150 last year not sure of its age, it has a few marks ere and there but it shoots well. certificate holders only . i will put up a pic once i get a connection with my phone's blue tooth. will consider a swap for what you might have?
  4. Wanted 410 aya cosmos will collect
  5. me and my dad got our guns taken off us when i was 17. they split up ,she said he said he was going to shoot her . they then took the guns and off us and said i couldn't get them back till i moved out. i then got my own house 9 years later and applied for my certificate and was knocked back!! because i didn't have enough experience. went to a gun club a few times reapplied 12 month later and got it back, but said keep out of trouble or we'll take it back!!! i didn't even do anything in the first place and have never been in trouble with the police . hope you get them back mate
  6. my beddy whippet 15 month and coming on well almost 19"
  7. my 15 moth old beddy whip yaps every now and then, used to yap alot more. tends to be on runs where the rabbits got a good lead on it. she is out at least once a week all day and catch's plenty of rabbits. i only go on permission, so should i get rid of mine or just work on it? all it is, is excitment. i think too many lads get rid of dogs before putting the work in!!
  8. all the rabbits we caught were big and healthy, alot about on the lower ground. hope i can get out at weekend
  9. yeah thats a beddy in the first pic a dab hand for the longnetting. i don't collar my ferrets up when doin the bales because not much i can do if they do kill in but wait!! have 3 collars for the big warrens tho, i some times use alot of ferrts on the really big warrens but only use the 3 collars. i only use small ferrets mostly jills so i don't get too many killed in !! cheers for all your coments
  10. well couldn't work today because of the weather, so decided to go out ferreting around some silage bales. i took 2 long nets 6 ferrets and the dogs with me today. when i ferret the bales i like to use alot of ferrets dropped in around the bales to make the rabbits bolt for freedom. i find this works for me. tried it with 1 or 2 but the rabbits don't bolt, they just hop a few bales down and back in they go. so we set the 2 long nets up put the ferrets in and within seconds a rabbit hit the net as i was getting to it another hit the net 25 yard from me which the you lurcher pinned down till i
  11. i put a 22" whip over my 15 1/2" beddy. without aany probles at al. had to jack the beddy up on bricks tho!! not even a whimper out of her. the birth was good too. 4 helthy pups that all survived
  12. [a very good piece of kit if used right love mine for wrapping around big awkward placed sets
  13. well done good to see father and son bonding, you got some ugly bunnies there!!!!!
  14. thats right. a dog did dig up one of my traps. the little bugger
  15. cheers for all the help. I've raked the bumps down now because they have been building up since they last had their grass cut. like you say easier to see whats been happening at a glance. this mole catching is all free at tho moment to give me a bit of experience. i am using the duffus trap at the moment is the any chance of the mole wriggling out of it once triggered. brimmer.. is your dad still into it wasn't sure if he was. i will deffo bend his ear when i see him, how the rabbiting going. this snow has kicked the arse out of it!! still snow up where i go!!!
  16. can't see why you'd have a problem, thick it would add some good qualities to the pack
  17. 5 traps, 3 down the fence line and 2 out in the paddock
  18. cheers lads. been out today for a bit of a walk ended up with 5 in the bag. will put some more pics up later.
  19. there are 20 ish hills stretched out down a fence line about 15m long andout into the field the same distance. in a L shape roughly,the traps are set ready and waiting incase of another with a bit of luck that will be it
  20. got my first mole at last. the little bugger kept filling the traps inand stetting them off. but i got one now. not sure how many there are, how can i tell? thanks for the help with setting my traps lads
  21. well i have been meaning to get out alone for a while so that i could put a bit of extra work in with the young lurcher. sees not been retrieving as I'd like to , but thought it could be because i was out with other peoples dogs. the good news is she did me proud today catching 6 rabbits and retrieving them all to the ferret box, for some reason she takes them via the box. but that will do me. she's come on really well her marking gets better every time we go out and she made catching rabbits look so easy , with only one escaping, but i do like to see some get away, The course was still a good
  22. i feed mine at 6 in the evening. but when taking out lampng not till i get back
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