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About longdog2000

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    Born Hunter

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  1. its ok, im not the first fella to go through it.he's got more coming to him,im gonna have to move him from nottingham to hampshire..new schools new friends ..poor lad,il sort his mum out on monday and deal with it all.im still a bit stunned.
  2. how the hell do i arrange a funeral lol.ive never done it before. my moms flying back in from singapore to helpout,but i need to get her sorted as soon as possible. shes causing me hassle even after she's died ..bloody women.
  3. cheers guys, no jacob isnt my son but he may as well be,I took him fishing today,lots of tears where shed but im sure he's better for it.he's tucked up in bed now bless him he's exhausted. poor kid,I feel terrible but really cant imagine what he's going through,I can make sense of the whole death thing,it happens to us all but to a 9 yr old boy its tough.he wants the only thing I cant give him. thank you all for your kind words and Pm's
  4. thanks folks..yes she was very young,just had her 30th birthday.its hard but we knew it was coming.my job now is to raise her little boy.he's gonna find it hard over the next few months but we'l get there.
  5. some untitled.bmpof you may remember from when you guys helped out when our dog got stolen,but my girlfriend had been fighting terminal cancer for nearly a year.Sadly she lost her battle this morning she enjoyed this site so it's fitting that I should post something about her. you can rest now poppet.
  6. good on ya..no need for baggies.may as well blind em and set em loose.
  7. I'll get the Mrs on to it tomorow, she's good with a duster heres my prang 2 years ago,i was driving round a clear left hand bend,all of a sudden 2 cars where in front of me overtaking each other,i moved over to the right and the cliff side gave way,we fell 60 ft.its not like they show on the dukes of hazard loL.This happened in andalucia.i was lucky i got scalped and fecked up my right leg and arm,the passenger is still in rehab.
  8. Think about it.ferreted and bolted,sacked up then released in an unknown area to be coursed some things are illegal for a reason
  9. randomly my start menu button and my tool bar have minimised themselves to the right hand side of my screen shrinking my display a bit..anyone know how to correct it?it driving me nuts.. regards
  10. sorry folks,theres been a delay in the email system,but ive got this weeks zoo vacancies if anyone would like them PM'd kind regards
  11. I used to do the animal shows at the beckhams house,got snapped by the sun delivering a lion cub to their house.made the papers when i was called out to catch an escaped"ostrich" from rod stewarts garden,it turned out to be a Rhea!!! I had the misfortune to place a tarantula on katie price's tits for a photo shoot after she left the jungle show. given animal talks to antony costa from blue ray winston the beckhams bill oddie frank bruno gillian taylforth I turned up to do a falconry demo once and it turned out to be that bloke from scrapheap challenge's house
  12. longdog2000

    Lost BoP

    contact the IBR. www.independentbirdregister.co.uk kind regards
  13. I cant think of a reson why they cant be reintroduced to an unhinhabitated island off the mainland.they could be supplimented with feeds and the tourism generated by boat sighting tours would raise more than enough to cover costs..but than I sometimes wonder if I am the only non blinkered person in the zoo world.
  14. Deffinatly havent been released in scotland..Ive attended meetings where it has been discussed at length.,your correct about the beavers though,3 pairs so far,from founder stock in germany.Wild woods in kent co-ordinate the project with the highlands wildlife park. Kind regards
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