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About stollen

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    Born Hunter

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  1. I would go for a female pere/saker.
  2. Hi there ive used the rcom incubator and the octagon 20s new version and old the best one i could reccomend to you is a brinsea polyhatch its a still air incubator and they should last you a good few years they have always gave me good resluts and there easy to use they cost around £200
  3. Hows it going stollen . The first Pere x Prairie I brought was in 95 off Brian Bevan in Bedford, this one was the smallest and very Prairie looking with the wedge shaped head and big eyes but had bottle with a capital B, she died from Lead poisening . the next one came off Brian a couple of years later but didn't hit the dizzy heights like the first one. the last one in the picture came from some lads in stoke on trent in 2000 and the biggest of the 3 and more Peregrine than the rest and a bit of a vegetarian , she was fine at first but came unstuck on some crows on the landfill and never
  4. Very nice pics jasper, did you breed the pere/prairie ?
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