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moter poacher

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Everything posted by moter poacher

  1. i was going to sell a deban double battery power pack with charger really good condition!howmuch do you think i should ask for it cheers it goes round your waste pretty light too!
  2. i bet he grows a fair size!like these big boys
  3. my statement on ripped up is on past experiance to run a lurcher night after night on rabbits will soon build muscle on there limbs!21 rabbits 31 rabbits straight line runs is good going for a dog doing this has often has you stated would tone a dog up pretty nice im just adding my opinion mate dont take no offence from me markbricl1?like you said its better than sitting at home computer rabbiting :laugh:wel done mate
  4. for what mate?theres allsorts of differant types for a specific job?more information may help you get your answer
  5. NO................I mean ive been trying to get pics up all Aft..........IM THICK T thought you was a gonner mate phew
  6. very nice pup dog or bitch dog mate its not a bad dog you got there its a shame i wont see it run as you dont ever involve me eny more martin. LISTEN TO THIS GUYS ive only been in the game a little while me and my so called one of my best freinds hunter81 we ave been going lamping for about 6 months now. ands its been about a month now and he never rings me enymore to go well to be honest he hardly ever rang me enyway it was allways me doing the ringing to c if he wanted to go for a lamp.and every time i ring to c if he wants to go out he always out with other people. and trust me
  7. i was just going on the dogs in particuler snoop?lamping rabbits night after night they do tend to build up muscle on the back limbs :thumbs:theres nothing wrong with adding a little salt to something thats plain ovious whatever salter .. ......his dogs better had be fit if hes taking then to the fens :kiss:
  8. i was just going on the dogs in particuler snoop?lamping rabbits night after night they do tend to build up muscle on the back limbs :thumbs:theres nothing wrong with adding a little salt to something thats plain ovious
  9. saluki collie greyhound!looking at it i would say it is mate if that was your qestion?hope it comes on well for you
  10. to be giving any dog that amount of work would produce muscle mateimoa
  11. when i was a nipper,i used to go to a fellows house whos a well known terrier man lurcher man!i used to ask him allsorts wil you take me out etc?same reply all the time you will have to learn yourselfe etc?so i did,i obtained a terrier and started to dig foxes the same fellow was soon wanting to be in on the dig and all of a sudden he was there to give me advice :whistling:my son who is twelve his into fishing hes at the pond now fishing thats my boy :kiss:
  12. got to agree with you witton!when i was out all the time with my old colliexwhippet he would be ripped up really well?if i only ran him now and again he wouldnt be that ripped up!markbrick1 looking at your dogs mate,he is right in what hes sayingimoa?well done mark anyway
  13. who,s the well known mother nice looking pup mate!theres not many rabbits round our way but,i hope it becomes a good marker on bunnies mate
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