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Everything posted by ferreting1888

  1. i got some drainage pipes and bends when i worked with my old company there gd 4' plastic
  2. alrite [bANNED TEXT] well in ive had mines for 15 month now its superb. i waited 2 weeks exactly so shouldnt b much longer. ive got a 12 bore o/u ejector im tryin to sell armitaly £200 if anyones interested (im just outside paisley)
  3. ive had quite a few ferrets and think ive had 3 hobs and the one i got now is only aboout 3 inches bigger than the average size jill and he is the best worker ive ever had.a hob will always be slower than a jill but get a good hob and he does the job. whats the problem about waiting? ive never used a locator or anything and the longest ive waited is an hour. if u love your ferrets then u will wait patiently for him
  4. one thing though the farmer doesnt want me using a rifle on his ground. i am so desperate to get a 243 for foxes and deer. cant till i get permission what the hell do i do
  5. There is no answer specific answer. Every region looks at it differently and area, topography, neighbours etc are all important.... EXTREME Example... 2 Acres in a Deep Valley with high sides all round and no neighbours for miles, you may even get a .5inch at 6000ish ft lb. 100 acres of flat open land completely surrounded by schools, housing estates, playgrounds, etc, fair chance of getting nothing! i see what u mean well i got a gd bita ground then nothing for miles except hills
  6. ok thanks 223 snds gd then was for foxes anyway and yes 22 for bunnys. i got 240 acres all hills. what if i havent got [NO TEXT TALK] with experience???
  7. how much land do i need for a 22 250 and a 22? im jus waiting on my form cumming through the door and any help would be great
  8. hi im jus sending away for mt fac. whats the best gun to get for foxes and deer?(calibre) any help would be great sean
  9. i dnt use a ferret finder so i have found that a big ferret pushes the other ferrets off the dead rabbit and comes out with them somtimes with rabbit others without (2 of my m8s had big hobs and they done the same thats why i want 1) another reason why i want 1 is because i think the look mean as fcuk.(i do love my ferrets)
  10. hi guys im really interested in doing pest control as a job but what do u do to get the job????
  11. thanks for replys.i have 2 small jills and a small hob but i want a monster lol.like them big.ive found when u get a kill in a big hob pushes the rest away n comes out with them
  12. hi ive bread ferrets 2 years ago so i know what im doing but i have 1 question. ive got a pretty big jill and my m8s got a huge polecat hob and i want a huge hob to so whats the chances of gettin a big 1???
  13. superb love it.well mines is going to be a concrete hut and im jus using the full thing. is yours outside or inside?
  14. hi people i love my ferrets like most of you guys and im goin to build a shed jus for my ferrets so they have loads of space to play. pics would be great to show me what your court is like????
  15. is it leagle to catch starlings??? if so whats a good way????
  16. Well if you have a SGC it helps and you will have to haev a sufficiant acre of land if you want to shoot deer and fox as it will be a large calibre rifle It took mine 2 weeks to get you will also need eighter a seperate little safe which you can buy from b&q or a lock to cabinit for your ammo. hope this helps thank you. ive got a safe at the moment as well as my shotgun cabinet so would that b ok?
  17. hi im jus about to apply for an FAC license because i want to start shooting deer and foxes. how difficult is it to get??? i already have shotguns does that help me any???? thanks sean
  18. thats great thanks av seen it for £414
  19. whats the best price for a s410 carbine (gun only) any help would be great thanks sean
  20. i was out with ferreting1888. managed to get permission from a farmer that knew my grandad and gave him permission years ago. he remembered my grandad and sais that i could come and hunt the ground. had a great day and there are plenty more burrrows and rabbits for the future. was a great day [bANNED TEXT] wasnt it.plenty more burrows heeheeheeheehee
  21. thanks took a while to find a decent forum
  22. 2 hours ferreting today and i was great
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