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Everything posted by ferreting1888

  1. this might sound rude but hunting is for men that will hunt in any weather at all(well true hunters like myself) sean
  2. hi guys ive always used old jumper or t-shirt(celtic t-shirt though lol there tims hahahaha) but winter its 2 thick jumpers and they never throw them out they love them thanks sean
  3. never had a prob and super smooth sums up the whole gun halfinch cheers sean
  4. shoot the rabbit throw it in whole wont be much left after a day or 2. cheers sean
  5. hw100 mate ive already had the s410 and was a cracking gun but the 100 beats it by a good bit. very impressive cheers sean
  6. if you do fishing and tie your own flies then open the skin and spread it over a sheet of news paper let it dry out and then tie flies with it cheers sean
  7. out sunday aswell will post pics for everyone
  8. mines have been together for 1 month now and thats them jus started getting along. my kits had cut necks and that but it soon stops believe me. the kits were also hiding in bed until the older ones went to bed before they came out to feed. leave them to it and mines are all happy together now cheers sean
  9. i dont have the 97k anymore jus my hw100s what a gun
  10. lukey thats top secret about our new permission unlucky
  11. 2 defo because my albino done it after her 1st litter got eaten.i never split the hob and her up and witin another month of them dyin i could see she was ready again and yes her 2nd litter were perfect.(because i split them up that time). 3 times sounds weird but aint saying it cant happen
  12. Its your avatar , you need to add a picture my controls personal profile edit avatar settings make sure the pic isnt huge or it wont load thanks kay you are a star sean
  13. why doesnt my personal photo show at the side when i send replys or start topics???? anyone? thanks sean
  14. im on same boat just now been together 2 days and still fighting but there all in same bed now so must be gettin braver (the kits). last nite and nite before the 2 kits slept out side the nest box. let me know how yours get on. cheers sean
  15. hi guys wondering if any kind person could copy me a dvd of ferrets & ferreting please cheers sean
  16. going to make one for them down there. they were voiding them all nite so i have them all in jus the hut ive closed the court so they can sort it out rather than avoid. ive had things like this happen loads of time jus was worried bout them bcoz as u say its gettin cold and they slept in a tube outside. thanks will let u know how they get on sean
  17. there not trying to drag them to nest box there grabbin them by the neck and shaking them about.my mates jill was draggin his to nest so thats why i know its not that. the kits slept outside in the run all nite and the adults were in the nest box.also the kitts are scared and wont go up into the hutch.they wont leave the run. thanks sean
  18. kool mate its only 2 kits the rest are adults.is it worth puting them all in the together jus now? cheers sean
  19. 4 months roughly. one of the kits are hiding in bed and other is hiding in a pipe n there hissin and squellin at her. i have took the other 2 adults out so its jus kits n mother in for now. i will put the other 2 in 2mrw i think. what u think enter all or one at a time? cheers sean
  20. hi guys i have 2 kits which are same size as my other jills in one hutch. and in the other hutch i have a vas hob and 2 jills. when i put the hob and jills in with the kits the 2 jills grabbed the kits by the neck and would let go theres was loas of squelling. will they sort it out which normally happens or what? there is also a big run attached to the hutch there in. any help would be great thanks sean
  21. best pcp ive had and ive had a few cheers sean
  22. jason stick it at 7 its the best for short and long range believe me u wont be dissapointed give me a shout when u wanna go a walk and u can try my gun and that what u say????
  23. you dnt need anythin bigger mate believe me u know what to do put the zoom at 7 and dont move it jus use it like that all the time works a treat ask anyone
  24. no interested mate got my own ground jus asking thats all. 3.9.40 parra mil dot. just saying mate had that gun ages ago and never had a problem but since i got the hw100 its the best av had so far by far
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