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About terry

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. u need to sell the sheet on to someone who lives near him, and the can "collect" the goods directly terry
  2. "8 months old never worked untill know" more that likely you are answering your own question, needs time on the job basicly if you are a 100%the hole you are working contain rabbits then thats the case, i know in my area a lot of the ground is holed but the rabbits are actually laying up in the undergrowth apposed to undergrownd, even though they are digging, a lot of sets look like they hold but they are empty except for the odd one then the next are is full, why i dont know terry 8 months old never worked untill know
  3. i doodle on folks skin to pay the way terry
  4. i live in the area and believe me there was a lot better things they could have done with the money, if they were that concerned the should have just moved them, the whole of morayshire and surounding areas are f stinking with badgers terry
  5. very low rabbit nubers here, been on the decline for the past few years ,i would say it's the lowest ive ever seen, we used to work long nets or tackels as we call them , and takeing a couple of hundred in a night off of the airfields was not unusuall ( not a couple of hours of course) but this past ten years has seen a major decline in my area, so much i hung all my long nets in the attic a long time ago, the ferrets get a run but even thats hard work picking up the odd rabbit from set to set, now buzzards, every fence post you can see them, rabbit population in severe decline/ hookbeaks
  6. ive had marlin an sailfish, tarpon along with others, what i would say, is go somewhere and get to know the locals, i usually fish from islamorada , lauderdale , miami , but ive fished most of florida , charters boats can run into$1000/1000's per day without tipping if u dont know the crack, i am lucky i fish with friends that own boats so we split the fuel, i would say head over to mexico, lot of sport to be taken there's a hell of a lot, same rule applies, stay out of the tourist trap, if u want a buzz go down to the keys and fish for shark off the jetties, takes u a while to turn a run lo
  7. avons good stuff so is citronela oil but u smell like a nancy boy with it! fine for fishing but but any thing above water can smell u from miles with the oil terry
  8. i used to do mink and rabbits by salting and stetching, u need to scrape the backs of the hides as u go and they will be supple and fine if u dont they will be like a board,tails we used to use borax and turps ,when u strip the bone out put in a pice of pailing wire and run the turps/borax down through the tail and wok the wire like a pull through terry
  9. bolted a lot of weasels and a few stoats over the years, never had one stand its ground, many years ago the grandfather had wild polecats, he used them to line jills, they were like pitbulls on steriods, poor jills took some beating from them, non of the wild polecats ever became domesticated,they were just for breeding, they had some attitude lol terry
  10. u must have slept in that day mick :mamba: terry
  11. lossiemouth mate northe east coast 35 mile fae inverness terry wheres you from in scotland - im sunny lanarkshire <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. hi there, ferreter, fisher,shooter, and tattoo artist to trade,sunny scotland terry
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