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Everything posted by scent

  1. both my bitches are spayed mate...coz i know for a fact that there,s better stuff out there than what mine are..never been money orientated where dogs are concerned both my bitches are spayed mate...coz i know for a fact that there,s better stuff out there than what mine are..never been money orientated where dogs are concerned lol stabba is this a do as i say not as i do ..momment.....was it only last year you put one of your bitchs in pup and she was that out of condition she failed to carry full term and then had to be spaded ..............lets keep it real .............not a
  2. is it the lotto numbers cause you can tell me and il pass on the info id love some life changing money
  3. jesus that the shortest post i think i ever saw you put up lol
  4. ah the usual shit ,that pic is years old .In one ear out the other with them papers
  5. why didn he just abort them ffs only costs a few quid
  6. nope not yet he knows the mans name ,where he lives and has posted his pic on another site.The thief is from bray co wicklow
  7. well he certainly has the head of a fox lol but on a serious note i think all your dogs are alchos pal lol.A wee trip to AA might sort them out
  8. ??charts?? Read your signature under your posts, Simo !!! LOL !!! Cheers. :laugh: No that dog is still going strong, its a beast, easily capable of catching a few rabbits a season Thought about using him over my Mini Manchester Terrier; But he needs to be able to take a can of beer single handed !! LOL !! Cheers. jesus whatever about the mini but that bat eared terrier on the right dont like you sharing the beer pal lol Thats a Mini Doberman, serious attitude !! LOL !! Glad it was only 10 " tall !! Cheers.
  9. ??charts?? Read your signature under your posts, Simo !!! LOL !!! Cheers. :laugh: No that dog is still going strong, its a beast, easily capable of catching a few rabbits a season Thought about using him over my Mini Manchester Terrier; But he needs to be able to take a can of beer single handed !! LOL !! Cheers. jesus whatever about the mini but that bat eared terrier on the right dont like you sharing the beer pal lol
  10. i had 6 but im down to 5 now .Iv plenty work for my 2 lurchers lamping during the week and hunting foxes with the beagle crosses every sunday without fail. I dig every weekend too so i get to work my terriers .I get free food from a local cateror so i use only a smal amount of nuts.They only got new kennells put in yesterday bracketed on to th wall in the runs so housing aint a problem either.Vetinary care i usually done by myself or my mate unless its serious and if it is iv a good vet handy and not too costly
  11. all from the buy and sell what dogs do you keep yourself magners
  12. jesus i dont think it would of beating the record 19 lb 11 3/4 ounces
  13. christ almighty that dog is awsome
  14. cheers scent better watch out lazy dont see this he will be asking for pics of the bullet travelling for the stag
  15. nice video niall jesus we had a hell of alot of rain all week
  16. i mostly dig and hunt foxes so most pics if i did take them wouldn make good viewing lol.I dont really feel a need to take pics of lurchers killing foxes although i have posted one or two before.Im more interested in watching my dogs on their game then taking pics but each to their own.I prefer reading a good detailed write up then then looking at a pic or two
  17. i had problems with my 10 year old son ,i have him during the week a few days and all weekend but he lives with his mum.He was acting the little bollox when with his mum and playing the 2 of us off each other so i took his playstation 3 off him for 2 months ,oh my god what a changed lad he was .No beating in the world would have done that .
  18. the old dog i have here was a very good fast dog and great on big game when in his prime .Lads that have had lurchers 20 odd year have said that after seeing him go .He is 13 now and killled a fox last week when we were hunting foxes.Iv had a few other lurchers the last few years but im constantly comparing them to him and im not having any luck in gettin one .Im thinking lately am i wrong in lookin for a dog as good as the old dog or should i settle for a dog nearly as good but the way i see it why drop my standards and settle for an average dog
  19. that has just turned my stomach ,which is very hard to do .I can honestly saw my dad has never put his hand to me and id never put my hands on my kids ,its just the way i was reared and i hope it was the best way.That piece of shit deserves a good kicking in my opinion and the wife is just as bad .How could they do that to their little girl .I sincerly hope that c**t dies of a nasty disease ,slow and painfully
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