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Everything posted by SkeetChamp

  1. wjippet x grey are god fro speed but a little down fall on stamina
  2. school work and stuff and i werent meant to put swap so stop abusing me. I just want to get rid i hve no time for him.
  3. Nothing wrong with him at all but i have gone back to school and i have no time for him anymore
  4. I have a 14month old Whippet x Greyhound very fast and a really nice dog. pictures on some of my other posts if i can fin a nice home for him in the wales region or a swap for another dog i will be happy to do so. Free to a good home. Swap would be preferable.
  5. run them on their own for a bit then together and see what happens
  6. cant go wrong with a bit of rope lol
  7. i generally take mine for a walk and then go out once or twice with the lamp but as he is only 1year old im concentrating on getting him alert. But running them behind the motor sounds lyk a good idea
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