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micheal rennicks

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Everything posted by micheal rennicks

  1. little bit of jealousy here bud,the stupid traveller has a bmw and you dont.the irish immigrant plying his trade is called work,maybe you dont do that.
  2. unreal game good day for the irish wahaaaaay.to early for pints or is it. no im digging tomorrow. few tomorrow night.
  3. stock breaking 2 mins flat. i want you to come and sort my dogs out please. i think we have live one here fatman.
  4. fair enuf mate just a lot of it round me at minute.
  5. are you for real. women and kids in house god knows what animals are in house.
  6. You are all English at heart Are we f**k. i told you a tan fatman
  7. when comes your family these decisions have to be made,understand jigsaw about the dogs.from what i know of new zealand they have a thriving hunting fraternity.so ya might get lots of sport there too.the answer to your question yes i would go,been in amrerica most my life i trying to get team of dogs together now,but putting food on table paying the bills is getting harder by the day.the age is the problem with these countries so im probably f...ked,anywhere to me would be better than here.2 young kids need feeding it not looking too good from here.what is the deal anyway for those jobs.
  8. Posted 08 July 2011 - 12:10 PM Like I said don't believe everything you hear and think what you want. I'm finished on the terrier forums. It's got out of hand and is petty and childish. Good luck. :boogy:
  9. it the same around me and its pretty much quiet where i am.house next door done and load more around the area.always every year when the itinerants are around it goes up by 25 per cent.thats just fact straight from police mouth.they not care so i wouldnt care about leaving my mark on them if i here,my family is more important than any scumbag, i take my chances in court.getting worse now with thhe country f****d.
  10. or the right fly at the moment lads.
  11. evevryones worse nightmare lad.i would check the local sites see if you regognise them,i leave the rest up to you.fight fire with fire here horse.
  12. some pike on the fly,jasus ya didnt do to bad horse.been fly fishing last month about 3 fish worth taking home is all i got.the cousin got 5 lber near virginia last sat.river very low the not feeding properly or im just shite at it. I would say your just shite at it ok mr rennicks You need a delicate touch for fly fishing not a big rough arse .... Someone like myself would be more suited :yes: mmmm absolutely getting you to the bank would take doing thou.
  13. Is the 9eyed bridge the kells club waters? yeah mustard but they not too bothered they all on lough sheelin this time of year.where you coming from.we do our fishing from 9 clk onwards.best time get the big ones is close to dark.,well thats the idea not happening at the moment.was down last night very low waters.ya can see the fish moving ahead of ya.fatman u got a big net.
  14. Well micheal,9eyed bridge lol where is that? is there room to cast a fly,or what method? the fly mustard it the river coming out lough ramor.good size trout hard to catch thou.
  15. god help the foremen monday people.
  16. had a bag made years bago when started digging ,used to go on bikes put the terriers in them.when the day was over the dogs used to love curling up in them for the trip home.especially if they sore.covered more ground that way,wouldnt carry them in bags now.that reeks of gayness.
  17. dont mind that fella he paranoid psycho type.
  18. michael i would like to have got to kevin em show but unforunately the pheasants for our shoot are arriving this weekend and this will rule out me being able to get to his show. what others are coming up that you think a lot of these lads and ladies will be attending? i dont know mate not there keepers as i say not that much into the shows myself,i just thought ya over priced the show dude.i live 5 mins from it and thought it was pricy.if ya put it down by half ya got lot more to go.just my view seems lot more voted with there feet to.lot of negativity about the one in birr too from last y
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