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Everything posted by fish

  1. Nahh.........deffo gloves often see them dead on the roads hear
  2. yes mate so did his farther
  3. i live in france thay are from england be for the ban and no no ban hear we can still dig old mr pig
  4. fox dog he loved them
  5. to with the running dog three dug
  6. it was hes dead now good old dog he was
  7. i got 2 tame weasels iwood put some pics up if icould.
  8. hi all i live in france in normandy.i go diging with 2 lots of french lads i cant speak much french only a few words i have been out with them the last 2years from about end april all summer diging fox and badgers. the frence have funny laws over hear locaters are a big no no so is lamping dont know about running dogs sorry about spelling im us at it fish
  9. fish


    my dogs killed a cat in the garden some years ago a woman about 30 knotd on my door and said have you seen my pussy i said no but i would llike to
  10. fish

    golden eagle

    best bit of stoat filming i have ever seen
  11. happy birthday ditch. from another old pompy boy
  12. fish


    it looks like a crab spider to me they sit in the middle of aflower and when a little insect comes down they grab them.
  13. : hello mate. i amno good with coms as well
  14. have got 2 pet weasels will put some pics up when i take them.
  15. hello all about time i introduce my self i am in to all country sports have been all my life .live in france for the last 2years.have had terriers and lurchers love trapping and shooting. fish
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