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Everything posted by fish

  1. fish

    dont know

    i dont know mate.but i have done the same as you and would do it again wether it was an offence or not for the dog.
  2. I used three wraps of sheep netting for rigidity. One wrap and it would fall/blow over. I know that staking it down would help, but I thought solid walls would be better! Anyway, will find out tomorrow if it works... Have baited with chicken pellets...pheasant anyone? looks good to me bud let us know how you get on mite make one my self
  3. to save compressing soil on the washer type trigger on the mole traps , just take a pair of bolt cutters and cut at each side of the centre hole and the bottom drops out and you are now left with a couple of prongs , give them a wee file to smooth , and it works fine.by the way good clear pictures and info rolfe. I think its great that fellow trappers can swap tips and ideas in a forum like this.....we all can learn new tips and tricks to increase our catch rates...........so keep em coming........! Anything that makes my chosen profession easier...........is very welcome. Rolfe. you
  4. thats a big eel where did you get that most as big as that are got where they can not get out from where thy are and just Carry on geting bigger.
  5. chinese will be your main market .i sold all mine to a place in holand a lorry came and picked up once a week or once a fortnight but i was using fyke nets big time and geting betwen 300 and 600 kilo a week done a bit of that my self . same a lorry came from holand to pick up every week . then started fishing up in london and sold to a chinese more money. used to fish 300 fyke nets. where did you fish
  6. good pics bud hope to find in pipes like that.looks like net job
  7. yes bud i keep weasels what you wont to know
  8. ....................WRONG!! Apparently they taste like absloute crap!! :sick: Wouldnt knock ya from trying though! How about you catch a few... then try a few different recipies, and post the results Can't hurt i suppose, as long as it isnt toxic or anything *if it is please let me know, or you will have my blood on your hands* i'l give it a try whenever i get one and tell y'all Will ferrets eat them? Ferrets will eat them, weasels are one of their predators, as will badgers, stoats, etc. the mustelid family will eat just about anything. i keep weasels bud
  9. 43 with one bitch sounds good to me any pics of her
  10. had a go at french rats for the first time. do they qualify ditch http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/1f...20house0056.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/1f...20house0057.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/1f...20house0059.jpg http://i169.photobucket.com/albums/u203/1f...20house0064.jpg
  11. tell that to the judge when your in court it smelt of fox sir.with all that bedding out side the hole.
  12. i was pulling paddys leg dev i think most of us digging lads have dug 2 holes or more over the years at some time. still nice to see it going away for another day.
  13. nice pic bud i like it. some were in frog land was it
  14. hope i find one of them monday waz
  15. i for one dont think a united front would work now??????????????????????i like to carry on like i have for the last 40 yrs i can tell you what i think,, if shooting is banned like what they have done to hunting with dogs esp lurchers as thats what IAM mainly interested in the shooting faternity would want us to get involved with them to help em, but would they support us ?do they support us and if yes in which way...............every shooter i know and i know a few if its the rifleman, stalking, the syndicate man, are the pheasant man they dont give a feck about lurchers and i dont them an
  16. dont tell him for feks sake
  17. see it as soon as he put it up i told him he was a prick. he said it was a laff
  18. Have a close look at the bottom row in the second picture once you have your glasses on.. .. and you will see bit's of that bottom row elsewhere in the picture.. .. It does my head in why people have to be so sad and lie about stuff.. I bet if this lad put a post up getting 6/12 rat's he would of been complimented in much better way's.. Millet piss me it dose look a bit suspect
  19. Why dont you feck off you idiot!! that done me
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