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Everything posted by fish

  1. looks like underside of a panted lady the one in the corner the other underside of a orange tip
  2. to true .and hes had some shit from the ants over the years. good man loves his hunting.
  3. thanks for putting that up very good.
  4. tommy the terriers no good for you its not hard enouth for you better of leaving it here on the way back. lol
  5. good to have one to call out problem being as they get older they don't wont to come if they any good.had terriers years ago I could call out the more work they got the less they would come all this traning them to come is a load of blo---x at the end of the day.
  6. your right there bud sends tough guys to tears me being one more then once.
  7. stick 50 quid on that bud from me c.unts them raspca.send me your ad bud.
  8. them that come into the terrier game and think they know it all in a week lol
  9. theres more to that somethinks not right.i have had big rock pythons cant see how it killed 2 boys at the same time somebody telling porkys me thinks.
  10. no bud it bugers them up lol only jokeing bud they work just as well.same terriers.
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