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Everything posted by mossyh07

  1. there are a few who know there stuff... And itws easy to call names sat on here... I'm not calling any names. I get on with alot of travellers and i play sport with alot of them that keep dogs. That doesn't mean i have to agree with the way they carry on in the hunting field. I'm just speaking from what I SEE happening around my area yeah pal. didnt mean you in general, i meant in this topic..... No worrie, picked you up wrong
  2. there are a few who know there stuff... And itws easy to call names sat on here... I'm not calling any names. I get on with alot of travellers and i play sport with alot of them that keep dogs. That doesn't mean i have to agree with the way they carry on in the hunting field. I'm just speaking from what I SEE happening around my area
  3. You may bet there wasn't any money involved. They love to go on about what great dog/coursing men they are but at the end of the day they are only out to kill things and they will do whatever they have to do to knock over a hare. Very few of them own a dog that will even put a bend on a good hare and thats why they block up gates, cut wire to let dogs have an easy path from field to field and they usually hunt in big groups because they hate doing alot of walking. But i do know certain areas near me that they have hunted to death by the end of September every year. They have very little respec
  4. Mine took his 1st about 3 weeks ago, and caught another two since. Makes a nice change
  5. We are still in the process of getting rid of ya's . Otherwise I'd gives ya's a dig out
  6. Its amazing how anyone who every posts anything worth reading and has half a brain never contributes to these threads. Theres good and bad in all people and there are just as many sick british criminals as there are sick muslim criminals. I guess after years of being the big bully nation that took advantage of those worse off than yourselves you don't like it when people come and take advantage of yourselves, i.e immigrants. I'm not standing up for rapists or child molesters in any way but for god sake if your going to do anything about it go and do it, saying in block capitals how many heads
  7. Hope they are the wifes hands
  8. Just wondering are there many people heading to Clonmel for the coursing this year. Should be a cracking three days as usual
  9. Hare brought the dog half a mile up a gravel lane this morning.. Hope the damage isn't too bad

    1. inlaworker


      shouldnt be running them lad......lol

  10. Too work it hard and only muck around on the track i couldn't see why not. Don't expect it to make an open class or even a1/a2 dog
  11. some good points there but the bit at the top about fair law when was fair law brought in and what distance would you call fair???? I know you wern't asking me but as I've said before every slip is different. On big land some hares may get 100 yard slips but on small land this may not even be possible. Every hare should be judged differently, once you spend enough time in the land hunting them you will know a good one from a bad one straight away. Every single one will run differently and as the dogman its upto you to decide whats fair, after all you'll know your dog best Star
  12. Off out for a few runs, pleas god I'll see one or two

  13. some good points there but the bit at the top about fair law when was fair law brought in and what distance would you call fair???? I know you wern't asking me but as I've said before every slip is different. On big land some hares may get 100 yard slips but on small land this may not even be possible. Every hare should be judged differently, once you spend enough time in the land hunting them you will know a good one from a bad one straight away. Every single one will run differently and as the dogman its upto you to decide whats fair, after all you'll know your dog best
  14. Is the young bitch he said should kill hares next year? If it is it sounds like a good start
  15. To me a good daytime hare dog needs stamina and pace, he also needs to know how to use them to the best of his ability. A good eye and good feet are also a must. If a dog is bred right and entered properly he should develop a good hare sense over time and turn into a good catch dog.
  16. how do you waste beath ian??? and rise to what exactly?? an opinion?? a view?? believe it of not theres other people out there who have done enough with dogs to have an opinion on ALL THINGS connected with them be it books, articles in the edrd, whatever it may be just because he is your friend and a mod on here dont mean im being a c**t theres no end of stupid, pathetic arguments on here all day every day but i dont see you coming out with comments like the one above :thumbdown: i post on here regular, donated to the site, took people of here out for days and nights hunting and you still tal
  17. Maybe i have a different opinion because i hunt myself for sport and numbers and big bags mean nothing to me, but i think its the arseholes you saw cheering and jumping up and down when i hare got pulled down at the likes of the Waterloo that got coursing banned, not the man who was there to watch a dog pit his skills against that of the hare to see which one would come off the winner. Every genuine sporting coursing man loves to see a good hare get away, thats why we respect them so much afterall
  18. Large bottle of MacArdles washed down with a hot powers
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