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Everything posted by mossyh07

  1. Yeah sounds a nice cross.. Im planning on gettin he pup next weekend so i have a week to find a good litter.. But if it takes longer i aint that bothered
  2. Was thinking bout a full whippet but i dont want something that will be broke up half the time.. If i can find a decent litter of collie/whippet/hound pups i think thats what ill go for..
  3. That would suit aswell sambam.. Would prob keep the size down too
  4. I was thinking of a saluki x grey X whippet x grey or even a collie/whippet hound.. I'd be hunting all kinds of land big and small..ATB Mossy
  5. Im going to get a new pup in the next few weeks.. It will be mostly lamping rabbits but will also be on hares regularly.. I want somthing about 25" tts but i just can't decide which cross to go for.. All opinions and pics of examples welcome.. ATB Mossy
  6. Just think of the town you live in.. Think of the people over 25 that you know are stoners.. You'll find very few of them ever amount to anything, its always there own families that end up with drugs problems, and the ones that get into selling it are never any better off because they havn't a fu*cking clue.. Waste of money and time (the gargle is too mind) Just my opinion
  7. Dog bet in 1st round by a quick track dog He's gone now
  8. Would a 1st cross collie/grey do hare regularly?
  9. mines called commanche brave.. he's be over quick x commanche sue
  10. Id start with a few canaries mate then move on to finchs.. Goldies and Linnets can be c*unts to keep alive..
  11. Where bouts r u from mate... Dya do much work with your full hounds or dya just giv em da odd bunny?
  12. my own dog cudnt get any more hunting done with him.. hes done everything both daytime and under da lamp(except hare under the lamp).. was just unlucky.. yh he'll b out in wexford stephans day in the workin members lol
  13. The c*unt went unsighted.. That good dog i was telling u about has gone fav for the derby after winning a trial stake this wekend.. Lisloose Eoin is the name
  14. Never got the name of that dog in rathdowney but i knw that it got 8 turns in its 1st course so it didnt go too far after that.. My out lad is out in the duffer in dungarvan this weekend
  15. Theres a comrade of mafi nagic ruunin in rathdowny this week.. I know the lad that owns him and he said he's very good.. But its his 1st time out and there are 5 dogs that ran up trail stakes in the top half of that card.. Please god he'll do well
  16. Like the bridewell bitch from crohane and the dog pup from new ross city terminator.. They are the ones iv seen can't really comment on others
  17. Dog didn't run.. Kennel cough Mattchews seems to have it all sewed up though
  18. Was at carlow.. Great meeting as usual.. Have one out next week in the duffer in Ross can't wait
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